// Controlling Micro Servos using Joystick
#include <VarSpeedServo.h>

// Create object to control the base servo
VarSpeedServo servoBase;

// Create object to control the tilt servo
VarSpeedServo servoInc;

#define PIN_X       A0 // Pin connected to the X axis of the joystick
#define PIN_Y       A1 // Pin connected to the Y axis of the joystick
#define PIN_SERVO_1 3  // Pin connected to servo 1
#define PIN_SERVO_2 5  // Pin connected to servo 2

int valX;   // Set the X-axis value
int valY;   // Set the value of the Y axis

void setup()
  // Defines the port to be connected to the base servo
  servoBase.attach(PIN_SERVO_1, 1, 180);
  // Defines the port to be connected to the tilt servo
  servoInc.attach(PIN_SERVO_2, 1, 180);

void loop()
  // Receive the value of the joystick, X axis
  valX = analogRead(PIN_X);
  // Convert the read value to a value between 1 and 180 degrees
  valX = map(valX, 0, 1023, 1, 180);
  // Move the base servo to the position defined by the joystick
  servoBase.slowmove(valX, 60);
  // Receive the value of the joystick, Y axis
  valY = analogRead(PIN_Y);
  // Convert the read value to a value between 1 and 180 degrees
  valY = map(valY, 0, 1023, 1, 180);
  // Move the tilt servo to the position defined by the joystick
  servoInc.slowmove(valY, 60);
  // Wait for the servo to move and resumes reading