// https://forum.arduino.cc/t/struggling-with-millis-for-two-tasks/904391
// code copied and pasted from #4
// w/o MyHW defined (use OP's pins)

// Flash the blue LED for 500 ms every 10 seconds
// If the button has been pressed for at least 1 s, light the red LED for 5s
// (Not fussed what happens to the blue LED during that time, but ideally
// would prefer to use millis for that 5s, rather than delay)
// Report events in the serial monitor during testing
// (It's a simplified learning sketch. When I have it working I'll adapt for
// a more complex servo and motion sensor program.)
// Button via 10k to 5V;
// input to D6 goes low when pressed
// Triggers red LED when input to D6 from button has remained low for >= 1s
// Report timestamps for testing
// Constants
// #define MyHW
#ifdef MyHW
const byte triggerPin = A1;
const byte blueLEDPin = 13;
const byte redLEDPin  = 12;

const byte triggerPin = 6; // Low input from button to D6
const byte blueLEDPin = 7; // Blue LED flashes at 10s intervals
const byte redLEDPin = 8; // Large red LED, high for 5s when triggered

enum { Off = HIGH, On = LOW };

unsigned long triggerStart; // Time when D6 goes low

unsigned long blueMsec;
byte          butState;

void setup ()
    pinMode (triggerPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // D6

    butState = digitalRead (triggerPin);

    pinMode (blueLEDPin, OUTPUT); // D7
    pinMode (redLEDPin,  OUTPUT); // D8

    digitalWrite (blueLEDPin, Off); // D7
    digitalWrite (redLEDPin,  Off); // D8

    Serial.begin (9600);
    Serial.println ("RegularBlinksPlusButtonTrigger");
    Serial.println ("");

void loop ()
    unsigned long currentMillis = millis (); // Get current time

    byte but = digitalRead (triggerPin);

    if (LOW == but) {        // button being pressed
        if (butState != but)  {
            butState = but;
            triggerStart = currentMillis;

        if ( (currentMillis - triggerStart) >= 700)
            digitalWrite (redLEDPin, ! digitalRead (redLEDPin));
            triggerStart = currentMillis;

    if (currentMillis > blueMsec)  {
        if (Off == digitalRead (blueLEDPin))
            blueMsec += 200;
            blueMsec += 800;
        digitalWrite (blueLEDPin, ! digitalRead (blueLEDPin));