#define NUM_LEDS 4
int ledPins[NUM_LEDS] = { 13, 12, 11, 10};

int currentLed = 0;                         // this is also the index to the array with pins
int ledState = LOW;                         // used the blink the active current led
bool ledActive;                             // is the led blinking and the timeout active ?
unsigned long timeStampButton = 0;          // remember moment of last button press
unsigned long previousMillisBlink;          // used to blink the led
const unsigned long timeOut = 2000UL;       // timeout for millis-timer
const unsigned long blinkInterval = 150UL;  // interval for blinking
const unsigned long debounceTime = 20UL;    // timing for debouncing

const int buttonPin = 2;                    // a button is connected to pin 2 and GND
int lastButtonState = HIGH;                 // idle high

void setup() 
  for( int i=0; i<NUM_LEDS; i++)
    pinMode( ledPins[i], OUTPUT);           // all the leds are outputs

  pinMode( buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Set initital state, turn first led on, start millis-timer
  currentLed = 0;
  timeStampButton = millis();
  ledActive = true;

void loop() 
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  int buttonState = digitalRead( buttonPin);

  if( buttonState != lastButtonState && currentMillis - timeStampButton >= debounceTime)
    lastButtonState = buttonState;
    timeStampButton = currentMillis;        // timestamp of last valid button press

    if( buttonState == LOW)                 // low is active
      // The current led could be on
      if( ledActive && ledState == HIGH)
        digitalWrite( ledPins[currentLed], LOW);

      // advance to the next led
      if( currentLed >= NUM_LEDS)
        currentLed = 0;

      ledActive = true;        

  if( ledActive)
    if( currentMillis - timeStampButton >= timeOut)
      // turn this led off
      digitalWrite( ledPins[currentLed], LOW);
      ledActive = false;           // turn millis-timer off
    else if( currentMillis - previousMillisBlink >= blinkInterval)
      previousMillisBlink = currentMillis;

      ledState = ledState == HIGH ? LOW : HIGH;   // toggle led state
      digitalWrite( ledPins[currentLed], ledState);