// Low frequency 50% duty cycle signal
// Using the Blink Without Delay
//   https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/BuiltInExamples/BlinkWithoutDelay
// For a motor driver, a short pulse should be enough.
// However, the minimal pulse width is not known.

float frequency = 1.0;        // start with 1 Hz blinking led
unsigned long previousMillis;
unsigned long interval = 500;

void setup() 
  Serial.println( "Enter a frequency, for example: 0.25");
  pinMode( 13, OUTPUT);

void loop() 
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  // ---------------------------------------------------
  // Read Serial input for the frequency
  // ---------------------------------------------------
  if( Serial.available() > 0)
    delay( 50);      // wait for whole line to be received, delays are bad
    frequency = Serial.parseFloat();      // this function can wait, delays are bad
    // remove any remaining characters
    while( Serial.available() > 0)

    Serial.print( "New frequency : ");
    Serial.println( frequency);
    float T = (1 / frequency) * 1000.0 * 0.5; // half T in milliseconds
    interval = (unsigned long) T;

  // ---------------------------------------------------
  // millis-timer
  // ---------------------------------------------------
  if( currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval)
    previousMillis = currentMillis;    // previousMillis += interval is better here

    // Invert the digital output
    int state = digitalRead(13);
    if( state == HIGH)
      state = LOW;
      state = HIGH;
    digitalWrite( 13, state);