#include <mechButton.h>     // We want the mechButton from the LC_baseTools library.

mechButton modeSwitch(2);   // OUr mode button is connected to pin 2.

// Your standard Arduino setup function.
void setup() {
  pinMode(3,OUTPUT);                      // First LED setup.
  pinMode(4,OUTPUT);                      // Second LED setup.
  modeSwitch.setCallback(switchChange);   // When the stwich changes state, this function will be called.
  setMode(modeSwitch.trueFalse());        // Set the mode to whatever the state of the switch is in now.

// This function does whatever needed to switch modes. In this case it swaps LEDs
void setMode(bool newMode) {

  if (newMode) {
  } else {

// This gets called whenever the switch changes. Used to change the mode.
void switchChange(void) { setMode(modeSwitch.trueFalse()); }

// Only thing in loop now is the idle call for background code. IE the mechButton runs in the background.
void loop() { idle(); }