// Define pin for LED and push button
#define LED_PIN PA5        // LED pin
#define BUTTON_PIN PC13    // Button pin
#define stepPin D3         // Step pin for stepper motor
#define dirPin D5          // Direction pin for motor driver
#define enablePin D8       // Enable pin for motor driver

// Variables to count LED states
int ledOnCount = 0;    // Counter for how many times LED has been on
int ledOffCount = 0;   // Counter for how many times LED has been off

// Variables to store the previous state of the LED and button
bool ledState = LOW;      // Initial LED state (off)
bool lastButtonState = HIGH;  // Previous button state (HIGH because of pull-up)

// Stepper motor delay for speed control (lower value = faster speed)
int stepDelay = 500;    // Delay in microseconds for step pulses

void setup() {
  // Initialize pin modes
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);          // LED as output
  pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // Button as input with internal pull-up
  pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT);          // Step pin as output for stepper motor
  pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);           // Motor direction pin as output
  pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT);        // Motor enable pin as output

  // Serial monitor for debugging

void loop() {
  // Read the current button state
  bool currentButtonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);

  // Check if the button was pressed (transition from HIGH to LOW)
  if (currentButtonState == LOW && lastButtonState == HIGH) {
    // Toggle the LED state
    ledState = !ledState;

    // If the LED is turned on
    if (ledState == HIGH) {
      ledOnCount++; // Increment LED on counter
      digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH);      // Set motor direction
      digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH);   // Enable motor driver

      Serial.print("LED and Motor ON Count: ");
      // Generate steps manually with delays
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {  // Run for 1000 steps (or adjust as needed)
        digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);    // Set step pin HIGH
        delayMicroseconds(stepDelay);   // Wait for step delay
        digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);     // Set step pin LOW
        delayMicroseconds(stepDelay);   // Wait for step delay

    // If the LED is turned off
    else {
      ledOffCount++; // Increment LED off counter
      digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW);    // Disable motor driver
      Serial.print("LED and Motor OFF Count: ");

    // Set the LED according to its state
    digitalWrite(LED_PIN, ledState);

  // Save the button state for the next loop cycle
  lastButtonState = currentButtonState;

  // Delay for button debounce (to avoid reading multiple presses quickly)