#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MPU6050.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
Adafruit_MPU6050 accelgyro;
// Structs for sensor data
sensors_event_t a, g, temp;
const int numReadings = 20; // Number of readings to average
void setup() {
if (!accelgyro.begin()) {
Serial.println("MPU6050 not found!");
while (1);
Serial.println("MPU6050 initialized.");
void loop() {
// Get averaged readings
float avgAccX = getAverageAcceleration('x');
float avgAccY = getAverageAcceleration('y');
float avgAccZ = getAverageAcceleration('z');
float avgGyroX = getAverageGyro('x');
float avgGyroY = getAverageGyro('y');
float avgGyroZ = getAverageGyro('z');
// Print averaged values
Serial.print("Avg Acc X: "); Serial.print(avgAccX);
Serial.print(", Avg Acc Y: "); Serial.print(avgAccY);
Serial.print(", Avg Acc Z: "); Serial.println(avgAccZ);
Serial.print("Avg Gyro X: "); Serial.print(avgGyroX);
Serial.print(", Avg Gyro Y: "); Serial.print(avgGyroY);
Serial.print(", Avg Gyro Z: "); Serial.println(avgGyroZ);
delay(1000); // Delay before the next set of measurements
float getAverageAcceleration(char axis) {
float total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numReadings; i++) {
accelgyro.getEvent(&a, &g, &temp); // Get accelerometer and gyro data
// Sum the accelerometer values based on the specified axis
if (axis == 'x') {
total += a.acceleration.x;
} else if (axis == 'y') {
total += a.acceleration.y;
} else if (axis == 'z') {
total += a.acceleration.z;
delay(10); // Small delay to avoid too quick readings
return total / numReadings; // Return the average
float getAverageGyro(char axis) {
float total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numReadings; i++) {
accelgyro.getEvent(&a, &g, &temp); // Get accelerometer and gyro data
// Sum the gyro values based on the specified axis
if (axis == 'x') {
total += g.gyro.x;
} else if (axis == 'y') {
total += g.gyro.y;
} else if (axis == 'z') {
total += g.gyro.z;
delay(10); // Small delay to avoid too quick readings
return total / numReadings; // Return the average