// Function prototypes
void timer1_init(void);
void timer2_init(void);

void setup() {
  volatile char *dirf = (char *)0x30; // Direction register for port F
  volatile char *outf = (char *)0x31; // Output register for port F
  volatile char *dirk = (char *)0x107; // Direction register for port F
  volatile char *outk = (char *)0x108; // Output register for port F

  // Set pins PF0 and PF1 as output
  *dirf = 0x01; // 0x03 sets PF0 and PF1 as output
  *outf = 0x00; // Ensure both LEDs are initially off
  *dirk = 0x01; // 0x03 sets PF0 and PF1 as output
  *outk = 0x00; // Ensure both LEDs are initially off

  // Enable global interrupts
  sei(); // This is important! Without this, the ISRs won't be triggered.

  // Initialize Timer1 and Timer2

void loop() {
  // Main loop is empty, the timers will handle LED blinking

// Timer1 Initialization for LED1 (slower blinking)
void timer1_init(void) {
  volatile char *Timer1_TCCR1A = (char *)0x80; // Timer1 Control Register A
  volatile char *Timer1_TCCR1B = (char *)0x81; // Timer1 Control Register B
  volatile char *Timer1_TCNT1 = (char *)0x84;  // Timer1 Counter Register
  volatile char *Timer1_OCR1A = (char *)0x88;  // Timer1 Output Compare A Register
  volatile char *Timer1_TIMSK = (char *)0x6F;  // Timer1 Interrupt Mask Register

  // Initialize Timer1
  *Timer1_TCCR1A = 0x00; // Clear Timer1 control register A
  *Timer1_TCCR1B = 0x00; // Clear Timer1 control register B
  *Timer1_TCNT1 = 0x00;  // Reset Timer1 counter
  *Timer1_OCR1A = 30; // Set compare value for 1-second interval (for 16 MHz clock)
  *Timer1_TIMSK = 0x02;  // Enable Timer1 Output Compare Match A interrupt

  // Set Timer1 prescaler (Prescaler = 256)
  *Timer1_TCCR1B = 0x04;

void timer2_init(void) {
  volatile char *Timer2_TCCR3A = (char *)0x90; // Timer2 Control Register A
  volatile char *Timer2_TCCR3B = (char *)0x91; // Timer2 Control Register B
  volatile char *Timer2_TCNT3 = (char *)0x94;  // Timer2 Counter Register
  volatile char *Timer2_OCR3A = (char *)0x98;  // Timer2 Output Compare A Register
  volatile char *Timer2_TIMSK = (char *)0x71;  // Timer2 Interrupt Mask Register

  // Initialize Timer2
  *Timer2_TCCR3A = 0x00; // Clear Timer2 control register A
  *Timer2_TCCR3B = 0x00; // Clear Timer2 control register B
  *Timer2_TCNT3 = 0x00;  // Reset Timer2 counter
  *Timer2_OCR3A = 7812;  // Set compare value for 0.5-second interval (for 16 MHz clock)
  *Timer2_TIMSK = 0x02;  // Enable Timer2 Output Compare Match A interrupt

  // Set Timer2 prescaler (Prescaler = 64)
  *Timer2_TCCR3B = 0x03; // Corrected: Set prescaler for Timer2 to 64

// Interrupt Service Routine for Timer1 Output Compare Match A (LED1)
  volatile char *outf = (char *)0x31; // Output register for port F
  *outf = *outf ^ 0x01; // Toggle LED1 (bit 0 of port F)

// Interrupt Service Routine for Timer2 Output Compare Match A (LED2)
  volatile char *outk = (char *)0x108; // Output register for port F
  *outk = *outk ^ 0x01; // Toggle LED2 (bit 1 of port F)