import machine as gpio
import utime as TM

# Define the RGB LED pins (common cathode)
red_pin = gpio.Pin(15, gpio.Pin.OUT)   # Pin 15 for Red
green_pin = gpio.Pin(14, gpio.Pin.OUT) # Pin 14 for Green
blue_pin = gpio.Pin(13, gpio.Pin.OUT)  # Pin 13 for Blue

# Helper function to set the red color
def set_red_color(state):
    red_pin.value(state)   # Turn on/off the red pin
    green_pin.value(0)     # Ensure green is off
    blue_pin.value(0)      # Ensure blue is off

# Main loop to toggle the red color
while True:
    set_red_color(1)   # Turn on red
    TM.sleep(1)        # Wait for 1 second
    set_red_color(0)   # Turn off red
    TM.sleep(1)        # Wait for 1 second