Arduino Wireless Communication Tutorial
Example 1 - Transmitter Code
by Dejan Nedelkovski, www.HowToMechatronics.com
Library: TMRh20/RF24, https://github.com/tmrh20/RF24/
#include <SPI.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h>
#include <RF24.h>
RF24 radio(9, 10); // CE, CSN
const byte address[6] = "00001";
// Max size of this struct is 32 bytes - NRF24L01 buffer limit
struct Data_Package {
int steering = 0;
int throttle = 0;
bool s1 = 0;
bool s2 = 0;
bool pb1 = 0;
bool pb2 = 0;
Data_Package data; // Create a variable with the above structure
//Analog bemenetek
#define ST A5 // Kormány
#define TH A4 // gázkar
#define POTstTrim A0 // kormány trim
#define POTstRange A1 // kormány range
#define POT3 A2 //
#define POT4 A3 //
//digitális bemenetetek
#define SBU1 4 //"stuck button" beragadó nyomógomb
#define SBU2 5
#define BU1 2
#define BU2 3
#define SB1LED 6
#define SB2LED 7
#define REDLED 8
bool sb1 = 0; //beragadó nyomógomb kimeneti állapot
bool sb2 = 0;
bool b1 = 0; //nyomógomb kimeneti állapot
bool b2 = 0;
bool sb1_state = 0; //beragadó myomógomb segédváltozók
bool sb1_laststate = 0;
bool sb2_state = 0;
bool sb2_laststate = 0;
bool b1_state = 0;
bool b2_state = 0;
int ST_out = 0; //Kormany kimenet hangolt érték
int TH_out = 0; //Gázkar kimenet hangolt érték
bool firstbounce = 0;
unsigned long bouncetimer = 0;
int intervall = 50;
void setup() {
//Analog bemenetek
pinMode(ST, INPUT);
pinMode(TH, INPUT);
pinMode(POTstTrim, INPUT);
pinMode(POTstRange, INPUT);
pinMode(POT3, INPUT);
pinMode(POT4, INPUT);
//Digitális bemenetek
pinMode(SB1LED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SB2LED, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(SB1LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(SB1LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(SB2LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(REDLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(REDLED, LOW);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(SB1LED, sb1);
digitalWrite(SB2LED, sb2);
// Elküldött adatok frissítése
data.steering = ST_out;
data.throttle = TH_out;
data.s1 = sb1;
data.s2 = sb2;
data.pb1 = b1;
data.pb2 = b2;
//frissített adatok küldése
radio.write(&data, sizeof(Data_Package));
Serial.print("ST_out: "); Serial.println(data.steering); //Serial.print(" TH_out: "); Serial.println(data.throttle);
//Serial.print(" b1 "); Serial.print(data.pb1); Serial.print(" b2 "); Serial.println(data.pb2);
void buttons(){
//Sticky button 1 -bal
if(sb1_state == 0 and digitalRead(SBU1) == LOW and firstbounce == 0){
firstbounce =1;
bouncetimer = millis();
if(sb1_state == 0 and digitalRead(SBU1) == LOW and firstbounce ==1 and millis() > bouncetimer+intervall){
sb1_state = 1;
firstbounce = 0;
if(sb1_state == 1 and digitalRead(SBU1) == HIGH and firstbounce == 0){
firstbounce = 1;
bouncetimer = millis();
if(sb1_state == 1 and digitalRead(SBU1) == HIGH and firstbounce == 1 and millis() > bouncetimer+intervall){
sb1_state = 0;
firstbounce = 0;
if(sb1_state == 1 and sb1_state != sb1_laststate){
sb1 = !sb1;
sb1_laststate = sb1_state;
//sticky button 2 -jobb
if(sb2_state == 0 and digitalRead(SBU2) == LOW and firstbounce == 0){
firstbounce =1;
bouncetimer = millis();
if(sb2_state == 0 and digitalRead(SBU2) == LOW and firstbounce ==1 and millis() > bouncetimer+50){
sb2_state = 1;
firstbounce = 0;
if(sb2_state == 1 and digitalRead(SBU2) == HIGH and firstbounce == 0){
firstbounce = 1;
bouncetimer = millis();
if(sb2_state == 1 and digitalRead(SBU2) == HIGH and firstbounce == 1 and millis() > bouncetimer+50){
sb2_state = 0;
firstbounce = 0;
if(sb2_state == 1 and sb2_state != sb2_laststate){
sb2 = !sb2;
sb2_laststate = sb2_state;
//push button 1
if(b1_state == 0 and digitalRead(BU1) == LOW and firstbounce == 0){
firstbounce =1;
bouncetimer = millis();
if(b1_state == 0 and digitalRead(BU1) == LOW and firstbounce == 1 and millis() > bouncetimer+intervall){
b1_state = 1;
firstbounce = 0;
if(b1_state == 1 and digitalRead(BU1) == HIGH and firstbounce == 0){
firstbounce = 1;
bouncetimer = millis();
if(b1_state == 1 and digitalRead(BU1) == HIGH and firstbounce == 1 and millis() > bouncetimer+intervall){
b1_state = 0;
firstbounce = 0;
b1 = b1_state;
//push button 2
if(b2_state == 0 and digitalRead(BU2) == LOW and firstbounce == 0){
firstbounce =1;
bouncetimer = millis();
if(b2_state == 0 and digitalRead(BU2) == LOW and firstbounce == 1 and millis() > bouncetimer+intervall){
b2_state = 1;
firstbounce = 0;
if(b2_state == 1 and digitalRead(BU2) == HIGH and firstbounce == 0){
firstbounce = 1;
bouncetimer = millis();
if(b2_state == 1 and digitalRead(BU2) == HIGH and firstbounce == 1 and millis() > bouncetimer+intervall){
b2_state = 0;
firstbounce = 0;
b2 = b2_state;
void analogpot(){
//kormány hangolás
int STraw = map(analogRead(ST), 0, 1023, -500, 500);
int st_trim = map(analogRead(POTstTrim), 0, 1023, -50, 50);
int minValue = 1000 + st_trim *5;
int maxValue = 2000 + st_trim *5;
int st_range = map(analogRead(POTstRange), 0, 1023, 0, 150);
float SteeringRange = STraw * (st_range / 100.0);
ST_out = map(SteeringRange, -500.0, 500.0, minValue, maxValue);
int ST_trim_min = map(POT1Read, 0, 1023, 0, -500); //ST trim
int ST_trim_max = map(POT1Read, 0, 1023, 0, 500);
int ST_center = map(analogRead(POT2), 0, 1023, -100, 100 ); //ST ST_center
if(ST_center > 0){
ST_raw = map(analogRead(ST), 0, 1023, ST_trim_min + ST_center, ST_trim_max - ST_center) + ST_center;
ST_raw = map(analogRead(ST), 0, 1023, ST_trim_min - ST_center, ST_trim_max + ST_center) + ST_center;
ST_out = ST_raw; //a hangolt értéket átatdjuk egy globális válltozónak
//gáz hangolás
int TH_raw = 0;
int TH_trim_min = map(POT3Read, 0, 1023, 0, -500); //ST trim
int TH_trim_max = map(POT3Read, 0, 1023, 0, 500);
int TH_center = map(analogRead(POT4), 0, 1023, -100, 100); //ST ST_center
if(TH_center > 0){
TH_raw = map(analogRead(TH), 0, 1023, TH_trim_min + TH_center, TH_trim_max - TH_center) + TH_center;
TH_raw = map(analogRead(TH), 0, 1023, TH_trim_min - TH_center, TH_trim_max + TH_center) + TH_center;
TH_out = TH_raw; //a hangolt értéket átatdjuk egy globális válltozónak