#include <Servo.h>

Servo servo1;
int set_angle = 0;
int current_angle = 90; // setting starting angle to 90 degrees
unsigned long servo_timestamp = 0;
#define SERVO_INTERVAL    10   // changing the servo position every 10ms, defines the speed of the servo

void setup()
    servo1.attach(11);  // connect Servo to pin 11
    pinMode(A0, INPUT); // Connect potentiometer or Joystick x or y pin to A0 input

void loop(){
    if(millis()-servo_timestamp > SERVO_INTERVAL){
        servo_timestamp += SERVO_INTERVAL; // increment our timestamp by the servo interval
        // Measure the new set_angle only, if we really want to move the sensor
        int val1 = analogRead(A0); // Read the potentiometer position
        set_angle = map(val1, 0, 1023, 0, 180); // Map the value to be used with servo

        // Increment or decrement the current angle according to the set_angle
        // and don't change it, when we already are at the set_angle
        if(set_angle > current_angle){
        } else if(set_angle < current_angle){
        // Write the new angle to the servo