#define blueLed 3    //Police light A
#define greenLed 2   //Police light B
#define buttonPin 4 // You had this ALSO defined as 2 on a previous post
#define flashInterval 150 // sets the LED toggle interval (so 150ms mean lights will flash on every 300ms)
#define debounceLength 10 // defines the length of debounce needed for the button

uint32_t currentTime; // a global 'shared' variable for holding the current time
static bool lightsOn = false; // a bool for holding if the lights are currently on or off.
void setup() {
  pinMode(blueLed, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop() {
  currentTime = millis(); // update the current time
  toggleLights(); // checks for button presses and toggles if the lights are on / off
  if (lightsOn)
    flashLights(); // if the toggle for lights is on, this will flash them at the flashInterval defined above.

void toggleLights() {
  // a variable to capture the current time when a button is pressed. Used in debouncing.
  static uint32_t capturedTimeButton;
  // a variable to store the last previous state of the button, last time through loop.
  static bool lastButtonState = HIGH;

  bool currentButtonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); // read the button pin
  if (currentButtonState != lastButtonState) { // if the button state has changed...
   if (!currentButtonState) // and the current state is 'low/false' (i.e the button pin is being grounded) 
    capturedTimeButton = currentTime; // then we capture last time we recorded a grounding on the button pin

    // if it's at least 10ms (defined as debounceLength above) after the last time we recorded a button pin grounding
    if (currentTime - capturedTimeButton >= debounceLength) { 
      if (!lightsOn) // if the lights are currently NOT active...
        lightsOn = true; // we make them active
      else { // if they ARE currently active 
        lightsOn = false; // we turn the lights toggle off
        digitalWrite(blueLed, LOW); // and actually turns the LED pins off
        digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
  // then we update the 'lastButtonsState' to match the current state so we can check 'if the button state has changed'
  // on the next iteration through the loop.
  lastButtonState = currentButtonState; 

void flashLights() {
  // a variable for storing the last time the LEDs were toggled
  static uint32_t capturedTimeLights;

    // if it's at least 150ms (defined above as flashInterval) after the last time we captured the time for the lights
    if ((currentTime - capturedTimeLights) >= flashInterval) {
      // then we get a new time capture for the lights
      capturedTimeLights = currentTime;
      // if blueLed is off, we set it on, If it is on, we set it off.
      digitalWrite(blueLed, !digitalRead(blueLed));
      // what ever blueLed is doing, we want greenLed to do the opposite
      digitalWrite(greenLed, !digitalRead(blueLed));