// ------------------------------------------
// Show all the resistors of the E12 series.
// ------------------------------------------
// This sketch generates the diagram.json file for this Wokwi project.
// Both \r and \n cause a new line, therefor Serial.println() is not used.

#define NUMBERS 12
const int E12[NUMBERS] = {10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 27, 33, 39, 47, 56, 68, 82 };

void setup() 
  Serial.begin( 115200);

  // ------------------------------------------
  // Header of diagram.json
  // ------------------------------------------
  Serial.print( "{\n");
  Serial.print( "  \"version\": 1,\n");
  Serial.print( "  \"author\": \"Generated by sketch\",\n");
  Serial.print( "  \"editor\": \"wokwi\",\n");
  Serial.print( "  \"parts\": [\n");

  // ------------------------------------------
  // The resistors
  // ------------------------------------------

  int count = 1;                    // counter for resistor id
  for( int i=-2; i<7; i++)          // start at 0.1, stop before 100M
    for( int j=0; j<NUMBERS; j++)
      // Build the string for the value.
      // Using 32-bit float could not do the full range.
      char buffer[20];
      if( i < 0)
        float fValue = E12[j] * pow( 10.0, float(i));
        dtostrf( fValue, -5, 2, buffer);
        itoa( E12[j], buffer, 10);
        for( int z=0; z<i; z++)
          strcat( buffer, "0");
      Serial.print( "    {\n");
      Serial.print( "      \"type\": \"wokwi-resistor\",\n");
      Serial.print( "      \"id\": \"r");
      Serial.print( count++);
      Serial.print( "\",\n");
      Serial.print( "      \"top\": ");
      Serial.print( 20 + (j*20));
      Serial.print( ",\n");
      Serial.print( "      \"left\": ");
      Serial.print( 20 + ((i+2) * 75));
      Serial.print( ",\n");
      Serial.print( "      \"rotate\": 0,\n");
      Serial.print( "      \"hide\": false,\n");
      Serial.print( "      \"attrs\": { \"value\": \"");
      Serial.print( buffer);
      Serial.print( "\" }\n");
      Serial.print( "    },\n");

  // ------------------------------------------
  // The Arduino Uno.
  // It is required to run this sketch to generate the diagram.json
  // ------------------------------------------

  Serial.print( "    {\n");
  Serial.print( "      \"type\": \"wokwi-arduino-uno\",\n");
  Serial.print( "      \"id\": \"uno\",\n");
  Serial.print( "      \"top\": 280,\n");
  Serial.print( "      \"left\": 10,\n");
  Serial.print( "      \"rotate\": 0,\n");
  Serial.print( "      \"hide\": false,\n");
  Serial.print( "      \"attrs\": {}\n");
  Serial.print( "    }\n");

  // ------------------------------------------
  // Trailer of diagram.json
  // ------------------------------------------

  Serial.print( "  ],\n");
  Serial.print( "  \"connections\": []\n");
  Serial.print( "}\n");

void loop() 