// File : Cascade165.ino
// Version 1, 5 August 2021, by Koepel
//     Initial version.
// Version 2, 5 August 2021, by Koepel
//     Layout of the wiring made better.
// Version 3, 13 August 2021, by Koepel
//     Changed 'SCK' to 'clockPin'.
// Version 4, 17 January 2025, by Koepel
//     Added pinMode( dataPin, INPUT);
//     Added a few text labels for the switches.
// Cascade of four 74HC165 shift-in registers.
// Only three pins are used on the Arduino board, to read 32 switches.
// Using the 74HC165 is safe, because a pulse to the Latch pin 
// ('PL' on the 74HC165) will make a new start every time. 
// In case of an error or a wrong clock pulse by noise, 
// it synchronizes the data when inputs are read the next time.
// Based on:
//   (1)
//     Demo sketch to read from a 74HC165 input shift register
//     by Nick Gammon, https://www.gammon.com.au/forum/?id=11979
//   (2)
//     74HC165 Shift register input example
//     by Uri Shaked, https://wokwi.com/arduino/projects/306031380875182657

const byte latchPin = 9;        // to latch the inputs into the registers
const byte clockPin = 13;       // I choose the SCK pin
const byte dataPin = 12;        // I choose the MISO pin
uint32_t oldOptionSwitch = 0;   // previous state of all the inputs

const int pulseWidth = 10;      // pulse width in microseconds

void setup ()
  Serial.begin( 115200);
  Serial.println( "Turn on and off the switches");
  Serial.println( "Top row is switch 0 (right) to switch 7 (left)");
  Serial.println( "Second row is 8 to 15, and so on");

  pinMode( dataPin, INPUT);     // read data
  pinMode( clockPin, OUTPUT);   // clock signal, idle LOW
  pinMode( latchPin, OUTPUT);   // latch (copy input into registers), idle HIGH
  digitalWrite( latchPin, HIGH);

void loop ()
  // Give a pulse to the parallel load latch of all 74HC165
  digitalWrite( latchPin, LOW);    
  delayMicroseconds( pulseWidth);
  digitalWrite( latchPin, HIGH);

  // Reading one 74HC165 at a time and combining them into a 32 bit variable
  // The last 74HC165 is at the bottom, but the switches start numbering
  // at the top. So the first byte has to be shifted into the highest place.
  uint32_t optionSwitch = 0;
  for( int i=24; i>=0; i-=8)
    optionSwitch |= ((uint32_t) ReadOne165()) << i;

  for( int i = 0; i<32; i++)
    if( bitRead( optionSwitch, i) != bitRead( oldOptionSwitch,i))
      Serial.print( "Switch ");
      if( i < 10)
        Serial.print( " ");
      Serial.print( i);
      Serial.print( " is now ");
      Serial.println( bitRead( optionSwitch, i) == 0 ? "down ↓" : "up   ↑");
  oldOptionSwitch = optionSwitch;
  delay( 25);      // slow down the sketch to avoid switch bounce

// The ReadOne165() function reads only 8 bits,
// because of the similar functions shiftIn() and SPI.transfer() 
// which both use 8 bits.
// The shiftIn() can not be used here, because the clock is set idle low
// and the shiftIn() makes the clock high to read a bit.
// The 74HC165 require to read the bit first and then give a clock pulse.
byte ReadOne165()
  byte ret = 0x00;

  // The first one that is read is the highest bit (input D7 of the 74HC165).
  for( int i=7; i>=0; i--)
    if( digitalRead( dataPin) == HIGH)
      bitSet( ret, i);

    digitalWrite( clockPin, HIGH);
    delayMicroseconds( pulseWidth);
    digitalWrite( clockPin, LOW);

  return( ret);