// originally by Andy Sloane for the Arduboy
// https://www.a1k0n.net/2017/02/01/arduboy-teapot.html
#include <Wire.h>
#include "Tiny4kOLED.h"
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "draw.h"
#include "sincos.h"
#include "vec.h"
#include "teapot.h"
const int MPU_addr = 0x68; // I2C address of the MPU-6050
uint8_t screen_[1024];
int32_t angle_A_ = 0, angle_B_ = 0, angle_C_ = -16384;
int16_t scale_ = 1024 + 500;
uint16_t frame_ = 0;
static Vec216 verts[mesh_NVERTS]; // rotated, projected screen space vertices
void setup(void) {
oled.begin(128, 64, sizeof(tiny4koled_init_128x64br), tiny4koled_init_128x64br);
// Initialize the MPU-6050 and test if it is connected.
Wire.beginTransmission( MPU_addr);
Wire.write( 0x6B); // PWR_MGMT_1 register
Wire.write( 0); // set to zero (wakes up the MPU-6050)
auto error = Wire.endTransmission();
void ReadInput() {
static bool manual_control = false;
Wire.beginTransmission( MPU_addr);
Wire.write( 0x43); // starting with register 0x43 (GYRO_XOUT_H)
Wire.endTransmission( false);
Wire.requestFrom( MPU_addr, 6); // request a total of 6 bytes
int16_t gx = Wire.read()<<8 | Wire.read(); // 0x43 (GYRO_XOUT_H) & 0x44 (GYRO_XOUT_L)
int16_t gy = Wire.read()<<8 | Wire.read(); // 0x45 (GYRO_YOUT_H) & 0x46 (GYRO_YOUT_L)
int16_t gz = Wire.read()<<8 | Wire.read(); // 0x47 (GYRO_ZOUT_H) & 0x48 (GYRO_ZOUT_L)
if (gx || gy || gz) {
manual_control = true;
angle_A_ += gx / 16;
angle_B_ += gy / 16;
angle_C_ += gz / 16;
if (!manual_control) {
angle_A_ += 499;
angle_B_ += 331;
angle_C_ += 229;
// down-convert signed 1.10 precision to signed 0.7 precision
// (scaling down from -1024..1024 to -127..127)
static int8_t RescaleR(int16_t x) {
return ((uint32_t) x*127 + 512) >> 10;
void DrawObject() {
// construct rotation matrix
int16_t cA, sA, cB, sB, cC, sC;
GetSinCos((angle_A_ >> 6) & 1023, &sA, &cA);
GetSinCos((angle_B_ >> 6) & 1023, &sB, &cB);
GetSinCos((angle_C_ >> 6) & 1023, &sC, &cC);
// rotate about X axis by C, then Y axis by B, then Z axis by A
// [ cA*cB, cB*sA, sB]
// R = [-cA*sB*sC - cC*sA, cA*cC - sA*sB*sC, cB*sC]
// [-cA*cC*sB + sA*sC, -cA*sC - cC*sA*sB, cB*cC]
// local coordinate frame given rotation values
// spend some time up front to get an accurate rotation matrix before
// rounding to 0.7 fixed point
// the 32-bit math is only done once per frame, and then we can do
// all the per-vertex stuff in 8-bit math
Mat338 rotation_matrix(Vec38(
RescaleR((int32_t) cA*cB >> 10),
RescaleR((int32_t) cB*sA >> 10),
RescaleR(((int32_t) -cA*sB*sC >> 10) - (int32_t) cC*sA >> 10),
RescaleR((int32_t) cA*cC - ((int32_t) sA*sB*sC >> 10) >> 10),
RescaleR((int32_t) cB*sC >> 10)),
RescaleR(((int32_t) -cA*cC*sB >> 10) + (int32_t) sA*sC >> 10),
RescaleR((int32_t) -cA*sC - ((int32_t) cC*sA*sB >> 10) >> 10),
RescaleR((int32_t) cB*cC >> 10)));
int8_t sortaxis = 0, sortaxisz = rotation_matrix.z.x;
if (abs(rotation_matrix.z.y) > abs(sortaxisz)) {
sortaxis = 1;
sortaxisz = rotation_matrix.z.y;
if (abs(rotation_matrix.z.z) > abs(sortaxisz)) {
sortaxis = 2;
sortaxisz = rotation_matrix.z.z;
rotation_matrix.RotateAndProject(mesh_vertices, mesh_NVERTS, scale_, verts);
// rotate and project all vertices
Vec216 *vertptr = verts;
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < 3*mesh_NVERTS; j += 3) {
Vec38 obj_vert(
pgm_read_byte_near(mesh_vertices + j),
pgm_read_byte_near(mesh_vertices + j + 1),
pgm_read_byte_near(mesh_vertices + j + 2));
Vec38 world_vert(
world_vert.project(scale_, vertptr++);
// back-face cull and sort faces
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < mesh_NFACES; i++) {
uint16_t jf = i;
// use face sort order depending on which axis is most facing toward camera
if (sortaxisz < 0) {
jf = mesh_NFACES - 1 - i;
if (sortaxis == 1) {
jf = pgm_read_byte_near(mesh_ysort_faces + jf);
} else if (sortaxis == 2) {
jf = pgm_read_byte_near(mesh_zsort_faces + jf);
jf *= 3;
uint8_t fa = pgm_read_byte_near(mesh_faces + jf),
fb = pgm_read_byte_near(mesh_faces + jf + 1),
fc = pgm_read_byte_near(mesh_faces + jf + 2);
Vec216 sa = verts[fb] - verts[fa];
Vec216 sb = verts[fc] - verts[fa];
if ((int32_t) sa.x * sb.y > (int32_t) sa.y * sb.x) { // check winding order
continue; // back-facing
int8_t illum = rotation_matrix.CalcIllumination(mesh_normals + jf);
uint8_t pat[4];
GetDitherPattern(illum, pat);
verts[fa].x, verts[fa].y,
verts[fb].x, verts[fb].y,
verts[fc].x, verts[fc].y,
pat, screen_);
class Stars {
static const int kNumStars = 30;
uint16_t wyhash16_x;
// https://github.com/littleli/go-wyhash16/blob/master/wyhash16.go
uint32_t hash16(uint32_t input, uint32_t key) {
uint32_t hash = input * key;
return ((hash >> 16) ^ hash) & 0xFFFF;
uint16_t wyhash16() {
wyhash16_x += 0xfc15;
return hash16(wyhash16_x, 0x2ab);
void Draw() {
wyhash16_x = 0xabcd; // reseed our private PRNG
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < kNumStars; i++) {
uint16_t randval = wyhash16();
uint8_t xpos = randval ^ (randval >> 8);
uint8_t ypos = (randval >> 8) & 63;
uint8_t xspeed = 1 + ((randval + (randval >> 13)) & 7);
uint16_t page = (ypos >> 3) << 7;
uint8_t mask = 1 << (ypos & 7);
uint8_t x = xpos - xspeed * frame_;
x >>= 1;
screen_[page + x] |= mask;
Stars stars_;
void loop(void) {
memset(screen_, 0, 1024);
uint8_t *addr = screen_;
for (uint8_t y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
oled.setCursor(0, y);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 128; i++)