// PESKY FLAW! Filename is not terryPin.ino, it is ServoCUBEvideosMS—4.ino
// 328 storing this sketch is off UNO, on independent veroboard so made some changes
// Yellow LED (blue in wokwi) is now lit from D13, not D7
// Kept the serial output for testing
// Need to be able to test with shorter KA interval, so added physical switch
// D4 input from switch sets KA interval to 5s (for test) or 160s in normal use
// Takes 'keep alive' (KA) photo with one servo press every 2m40s (160s)
// The low-going leading EDGE of the 20s outputfrom motion sensor is D6 input.
// That's the major change from earlier LED emulation version
// It causes two servo presses on CUBE button, starting a video recording
// (and lighting red LED as an indicator)
#include <VarSpeedServo.h> // Uses the VarSpeedServo library
VarSpeedServo cubeservo;
// Constants
const byte triggerPin = 6; // Low input from button to D6
const byte yellowLEDPin = A0; // LED flashes at intervals for KA photo
const byte redLEDPin = A1; // Lit while video recording
const byte servoOutPos = 30; // Trial & error
const byte servoInPos = 10; // Trial & error
const byte switchPin = 4; // For easier testing when on Veroboard not UNO
const int waitBeforeRelease = 200;
const int waitAfterRelease = 200;
// Variables
int triggerCounter = 0; // Counts number of triggers (MS lows)
int KACounter = 0; // Counts number of KA photos
bool trigState = HIGH;
bool prevtrigState = HIGH;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // Effectively the program start time
unsigned long interval; // 5s (testing) or 160s (2m40) KA photos interval
void setup()
pinMode(switchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(triggerPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // D6
pinMode(redLEDPin, OUTPUT); // D8
pinMode(yellowLEDPin, OUTPUT); // D13
cubeservo.attach(9); // CUBE servo (white wire)
// Test D4 to select value of interval
if (digitalRead(switchPin) == HIGH)
interval = 160000; // 2m40s
interval = 4000; // 5s
// while(1 == 1); // For testing. Stops program entering loop
void loop()
unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); // Get current time
// Input to D6 is from a motion sensor (MS), which is normally H
// It goes L when motion detected, returning H about 18-20s later.
// Get the current input state
trigState = digitalRead(triggerPin);
// Compare with its previous state
if (trigState != prevtrigState)
if (trigState == LOW) // Implies this is the low-going edge we want
Serial.print("triggerCounter = ");
Serial.print("Started video ");
// Move servo arm in/out twice to press CUBE button twice
singleCUBEServoPress(); //Single short sweep in and out
singleCUBEServoPress(); //Single short sweep in and out
digitalWrite(redLEDPin, HIGH); // Indicates recording in progress
//Stays high during video recording, i.e for 30s
delay(8000); // 8s for testing
// delay(30000); // 30s video
digitalWrite(redLEDPin, LOW); // Stays low until next video record
// Now end video recording with a single CUBE button press
singleCUBEServoPress(); //Single short sweep in and out
Serial.print("Ended video ");
// Nothing needed otherwise, i.e no else() required here??
// But will include for reporting at least for now
// else
// {
// // if the current state is HIGH then the button went from L to H:
// Serial.println("Input went from L to H");
// }
// Brief delay (as seen in others' sketches), although could probably
// be even shorter (1ms for stability?) as there is no bouncing involved
// Save current state for next time through the loop
prevtrigState = trigState;
previousMillis = currentMillis; // Reset, as KA not needed for 160s (5s test)
// End of trigger detection and actions
// CUBE camera inactivity for about 3 mins powers it off. So must take
// 'keep alive' (KA) photo before this
// Check to see if it's time for a KA photo
if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval)
// Move servo arm in/out once to press CUBE button once
singleCUBEServoPress(); //Single short sweep in and out - function below
digitalWrite(yellowLEDPin, HIGH); // (was blue)
delay(100); // Brief flash
digitalWrite(yellowLEDPin, LOW);
KACounter++; // Increment
Serial.print("KA photo ");
previousMillis = currentMillis; // Reset
} // End of KA code
} // End of Void Loop
void singleCUBEServoPress()
cubeservo.write(servoInPos); // Rotates to the 'In' position
delay(waitBeforeRelease); // Duration of press; was 200
cubeservo.write(servoOutPos); // Rotates to the 'Out' position
delay(waitAfterRelease); // Duration of release/recovery; was 200