const int redLEDpin = 8; // Red LED
const int blueLEDpin = 7; // Blue LED
const int redLED_Interval = 500; // Experimented with wide range
const int blueLED_Interval = 800;
const int blinkDuration = 500; // How long both LEDs are on

byte redLED_State = LOW;
byte blueLED_State = LOW;

unsigned long currentMillis = 0; // Time at start of each iteration of loop()
unsigned long previousredLED_Millis = 0;
unsigned long previousblueLED_Millis = 0;


void setup()
  pinMode(redLEDpin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(blueLEDpin, OUTPUT);


void loop()
// As recommended, using FUNCTIONS, even for relatively trival tasks
  currentMillis = millis(); // Latest value of millis() at start of this iteration



void updateredLED_State()
  // If red LED is off, wait for specified interval to expire before turning it on
  if (redLED_State == LOW)
    if (currentMillis - previousredLED_Millis >= redLED_Interval)
      // Red LED OFf interval has expired, so change the state to HIGH
      redLED_State = HIGH;
      // Save the time of that state change
      previousredLED_Millis += redLED_Interval;
      // NOTE: The previous line could alternatively be
      // previousredLED_Millis = currentMillis
      // which is the style used in the BlinkWithoutDelay sketch
      // Adding on the interval ensures that succesive periods are identical
      // Usually? Always? I need to study that more to fully grasp this.
  // Else it must be on, so need to wait before turning it off
    if (currentMillis - previousredLED_Millis >= blinkDuration)
      redLED_State = LOW;
      previousredLED_Millis += blinkDuration; // Using this more accurate option


void updateblueLED_State()
  if (blueLED_State == LOW)
    if (currentMillis - previousblueLED_Millis >= blueLED_Interval)
      blueLED_State = HIGH;
      previousblueLED_Millis += blueLED_Interval;
    if (currentMillis - previousblueLED_Millis >= blinkDuration)
      blueLED_State = LOW;
      previousblueLED_Millis += blinkDuration;


void switchLeds()
  // Simply switches the LEDs on and off
  digitalWrite(redLEDpin, redLED_State);
  digitalWrite(blueLEDpin, blueLED_State);