* Tiny4kOLED - Drivers for SSD1306 controlled dot matrix OLED/PLED 128x32 displays
* Based on ssd1306xled, re-written and extended by Stephen Denne
* from 2017-04-25 at https://github.com/datacute/Tiny4kOLED
// Choose your I2C implementation before including Tiny4kOLED.h
// The default is selected is Wire.h
// To use the Wire library:
// This example compiles to 4402 bytes of program storage space
// and 88 bytes of dynamic memory.
//#include <Wire.h>
// To use the Adafruit's TinyWireM library:
// (Saves about 350 bytes and 20 bytes of RAM over Wire.h)
// (If you see a strange dot pattern then upgrade the TinyWireM
// library to get the buffer overflow fix.)
#include "TinyWireM.h"
// To use the TinyI2C library from https://github.com/technoblogy/tiny-i2c
// (Saves about 570 bytes and 40 bytes of RAM over Wire.h)
//#include <TinyI2CMaster.h>
// The blue OLED screen requires a long initialization on power on.
// The code to wait for it to be ready uses 20 bytes of program storage space
// If you are using a white OLED, this can be reclaimed by uncommenting
// the following line (before including Tiny4kOLED.h):
#include <Tiny4kOLED.h>
// ============================================================================
void setup() {
// Put your own setup code here, to run once.
// Send the initialization sequence to the oled. This leaves the display turned off
// Two rotations are supported,
// The begin() method sets the rotation to 1.
// Some newer devices do not contain an external current reference.
// Older devices may also support using the internal curret reference,
// which provides more consistent brightness across devices.
// The internal current reference can be configured as either low current, or high current.
// Using true as the parameter value choses the high current internal current reference,
// resulting in a brighter display, and a more effective contrast setting.
// Clear the memory before turning on the display
// Turn on the display
// Switch the half of RAM that we are writing to, to be the half that is non currently displayed
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
/* ------------------------------
* Show screen with all pixels ON
* ------------------------------
// Fill screen with color
// As we're setting every pixel, there is no need to clear the previous contents.
// Swap which half of RAM is being written to, and which half is being displayed
// This is equivalent to calling both switchRenderFrame and switchDisplayFrame
/* -------------------------------
* Show screen with all pixels OFF
* -------------------------------
// Clear the non-displayed half of the memory to all black
// Swap which half of RAM is being written to, and which half is being displayed
/* -----------------------------------------
* Show screen with two different font sizes
* -----------------------------------------
// Clear the non-displayed half of the memory to all black
// (The previous clear only cleared the other half of RAM)
// The characters in the 8x16 font are 8 pixels wide and 16 pixels tall
// 2 lines of 16 characters exactly fills 128x32
// Position the cusror
// usage: oled.setCursor(X IN PIXELS, Y IN ROWS OF 8 PIXELS STARTING WITH 0);
oled.setCursor(32, 0);
// Write the text to oled RAM (which is not currently being displayed)
// Wrap strings in F() to save RAM!
// The characters in the 6x8 font are 6 pixels wide and 8 pixels tall
// 4 lines of 21 characters only fills 126x32
// Position the cusror
// Two rows down because the 8x16 font used for the last text takes two rows of 8 pixels
oled.setCursor(13, 2);
// Write the text to oled RAM (which is not currently being displayed)
oled.print(F("Acute Information"));
// Position the cusror
// Cursor X is in pixels, and does not need to be a multiple of the font width
oled.setCursor(16, 3);
// Write the text to oled RAM (which is not currently being displayed)
oled.print(F("Revelation Tools"));
// Swap which half of RAM is being written to, and which half is being displayed