// RelayDemonstration1.ino
//  6 February 2022, Version 1, by Koepel, Public Domain
//                   relay logic versus sketch logic
// 11 February 2022, Version 2, by Koepel, Public Domain
//                   simpler, no sketch anymore, two circuits.
// 11 February 2022, Version 3, by Koepel, Public Domain
//                   even more simpler, split off the other circuit
// The sketch is empty!
// There relays are the only active components.
// The "Set" button activates the relay and that also takes over the "Set" button.
// The "Reset" button activates a second relay to cut the current.
// An other version with three relays is:
//   https://wokwi.com/arduino/projects/323288150472393300

void setup() {}
void loop() {}