** Command Line Interface
** This is from https://github.com/eleciawhite/reusable
** (MIT license)
** To use it in the simulator, press run 
**    It should print `Welcome to the Consolinator, your gateway to testing code and hardware`
** Type 'help' in the white box at the bottom and hit return.
** It lists the commands it supports.
** There are several files here:
** Console.c is a command parser. 
**    Call the init function during init and
**    then call the process function on every pass through a loop.
** You probably don't need to modify this file much.
** The interface is in consoleIo.c which currently
** uses the RPi Pico interface. You will need to modify this
** for your own hardware, connecting it to a UART in your embedded system.
** The command table and commands are implemented in consoleCommands.c.
** This is where you add commands, probably by copying one that is 
** already there. You need to modify mConsoleCommandTable 
** to add the command.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "console.h"

int main() {
  stdio_init_all(); // UART setup for both input and output
