#include <FastLED.h>
#define LED_PIN 2
#define CHIPSET WS2812B
#define NUM_LEDS 2

#define BRIGHTNESS 254



long randNumber;
long maxLED;
long randColor;
int saturation;
int intensity;
int dot;
int minDelay; // lower limit used to increase the delay between led updates the further up the stick you go
int maxDelay; // upper limit used to increase the delay between led updates the further up the stick you go

void setup() {

  delay(2000); // sanity delay
  FastLED.addLeds<CHIPSET, LED_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip );
  FastLED.setBrightness( BRIGHTNESS );


void loop() {


  // for the first led (base of the candle) we want a little blue in the flame

  //leds[0] = CHSV( random(20,30), random(140,255), random (180,255)); // set a little blue and allow some "heat" to effect the saturation
  leds[0] = CHSV( 32, random8(180, 240), random8 (150, 200)); // set a little blue and allow some "heat" to effect the saturation
  FastLED.show(); // update display

  maxLED = random8(1, NUM_LEDS); // this will determine how many leds get turned on for the current cycle.
  intensity = random8(210, 255); // randomize intensity a bit
  for (dot = 1; dot <= maxLED; dot++) // this will make the higher tips seem whiter
    if (dot == NUM_LEDS - 1) // this part changes the saturation of the tip of the flame and makes it appear more white at the tip
      saturation = 200; // make the tip very white
    else if (dot == NUM_LEDS - 2)
      saturation = 220; // less white
    else if (dot == NUM_LEDS - 3)
      saturation = 240; // less white
      saturation = 255; // not white

    // format for color is Hue, Saturation, Value (intensity)
    leds[dot] = CHSV( random8 (25, 35), saturation, intensity); // randomize the color a bit
    FastLED.show(); // update the leds so changes are visible
    //minDelay = 20 + pow(dot,2); // set min delay which increases as you move up the stick
    maxDelay = 30 + pow(dot, 2); // set max delay which increases as you move up the stick
    FastLED.delay(random8(10, maxDelay)); // wait a sec

  // delay at peak of flame for a short period
  randNumber = random8(3, maxLED * 3);

  // Now we dim the leds starting towards the bottom and working up. Doing it this way creates the "disconnected" tip of the flame sometimes
  // which adds realism.
  // I randomize which led we start dimming at

  for (dot = random8(2, NUM_LEDS - 3); dot < NUM_LEDS ; dot++)
    //leds[dot] = CRGB::Black; // old way - set the leds to black meaning turn them all the way off. Depending on what kind of diffuser you are using this may look better.
    leds[dot].nscale8_video( random8(1, 128)); // New method - this dims the leds rather than turning them all the way off which results in a smoother action.
    // The number passed sets the percentage of brightness, ie x/256. Example - Setting value to 192 = 192/256 = 75% of brightness

    FastLED.show(); // update
    FastLED.delay(random8(10, 20)); // wait a sec

FPS: 0
Power: 0.00W