// https://raspberrypi.github.io/pico-sdk-doxygen/group__hardware__timer.html#timer_example
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
volatile bool timer_fired = false;
int64_t alarm_callback(alarm_id_t id, void *user_data) {
    printf("Timer %d fired!\n", (int) id);
    timer_fired = true;
    // Can return a value here in us to fire in the future
    return 0;
bool repeating_timer_callback(struct repeating_timer *t) {
    printf("Repeat at %lld\n", time_us_64());
    return true;
int main() {
    printf("Hello Timer!\n");
    // Call alarm_callback in 2 seconds
    add_alarm_in_ms(2000, alarm_callback, NULL, false);
    // Wait for alarm callback to set timer_fired
    while (!timer_fired) {
    // Create a repeating timer that calls repeating_timer_callback.
    // If the delay is > 0 then this is the delay between the previous callback ending and the next starting.
    // If the delay is negative (see below) then the next call to the callback will be exactly 500ms after the
    // start of the call to the last callback
    struct repeating_timer timer;
    add_repeating_timer_ms(500, repeating_timer_callback, NULL, &timer);
    bool cancelled = cancel_repeating_timer(&timer);
    printf("cancelled... %d\n", cancelled);
    // Negative delay so means we will call repeating_timer_callback, and call it again
    // 500ms later regardless of how long the callback took to execute
    add_repeating_timer_ms(-500, repeating_timer_callback, NULL, &timer);
    cancelled = cancel_repeating_timer(&timer);
    printf("cancelled... %d\n", cancelled);
    return 0;