This program is to control multiple LEDs, to bring some fancy effects to a Imperial Raider
The core idea is:
BlinkLed 1 - 3: run a fiber optic to these leds, and connect these to the sides of the raider, to allow these lights to twinkle/fade
SolidLed1: this is for a cockpit LED, can either be a sold "on" led, or can use a flicker LED to make this animated
LaserLed1: connect fiberoptics from here to each gun, this will have a tripple fire effect on button press
FadeLed: this is for the engines, and will cause the engines to fade on and off
Use 100 (2.0v forward) - 130 (2.2v forward) ohm resistors with this setup to avoid burning out the LEDs
// these constant won't change
const uint8_t blinkLed1 = 3; //set Pin D3 to "blinkLed1" (side lights 1) (PWM Pin)
const uint8_t blinkLed2 = 5; //set Pin D5 to "blinkLed2" (side lights 2) (PWM Pin)
const uint8_t blinkLed3 = 6; //set Pin D6 to "blinkLed3" (side lights 3) (PWM Pin)
const uint8_t solidLed1 = 8; //set Pin D8 to "solidLed3" (cockpit)
const uint8_t laserLed1 = 9; //Set Pin D9 to "laserLED1" (guns) (PWM Pin)
const uint8_t throbPin1 = 10; //Set Pin D9 to "laserLED1" (guns) (PWM Pin)
const uint8_t throbPin2 = 11; //Set Pin D9 to "laserLED1" (guns) (PWM Pin)
//Note almoast all PWM pins are in use (3,5,6,9,10,11), Three via's are availble for engine lights, to allow up to 4 engines to be lit. Due to 40ma limit on PWM pins, i have set pin 10 and 11 to mirror each other, to maximize number of availble engine LEDs
//Brightness Variables
uint8_t brightnessLaser = constrain(brightnessLaser, 0, 255); //sets brightness of the laser to 0-255, ensuring value doesnt exceed this.
uint8_t brightnessBlinkLed1 = constrain(brightnessBlinkLed1, 0, 255); //Constrains BrightnessBlinkLed1 between 100 and 255
uint8_t brightnessBlinkLed2 = constrain(brightnessBlinkLed2, 0, 255); //Constrains BrightnessBlinkLed2 between 100 and 255
uint8_t brightnessBlinkLed3 = constrain(brightnessBlinkLed3, 0, 255); //Constrains BrightnessBlinkLed3 between 100 and 255
//fade speeds
float laserFade = 0.9; // set multiplyer for fade speed for laser Leds
uint8_t blinkFade = 5; // set fade speed for side Leds
uint8_t randomWidth = 150;//sets width of "random" function, to allow easy adjustments
//button Counter
const uint8_t buttonPin = 2; // the pin that the pushbutton is attached to
uint8_t buttonCounter = 0; // counter for the number of button presses
byte buttonState = LOW; // current state of the button
byte lastButtonState = LOW; // previous state of the button
unsigned long nextReadMillis = 0; //used in the debounce
//LED variables used for blinking
uint8_t blinkLed1Random = 0; //Random Value for LED 1
uint8_t blinkLed2Random = 0; //Random Value for LED 2
uint8_t blinkLed3Random = 0; //Random Value for LED 3
byte blinkLed1Value = 1; //Sets if LED is increasing or decreasing
byte blinkLed2Value = 1; //Sets if LED is increasing or decreasing
byte blinkLed3Value = 1; //Sets if LED is increasing or decreasing
//debounce time
#define debounceTime 800
//this is for the sine wave generator for the engine throb
float timeStep = 0; //multiplied against the sine equation
uint8_t throb = 0; //variable written to from the sine equation, used to power engines
void setup() {
//Serial.begin(115200);//used for debugging, comment out
// LED setup
pinMode(solidLed1, OUTPUT); //pin "solidLed1" is output
pinMode(laserLed1, OUTPUT); //pin "laserLed1" is output
randomSeed(analogRead(0)); //makes the Random() function truly random
//Button Setup
// initialize the button pin as a input:
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(blinkLed1, OUTPUT); //pin "blinkLed1" is output
pinMode(blinkLed2, OUTPUT); //pin "blinkLed2" is output
pinMode(blinkLed3, OUTPUT); //pin "blinkLed3" is output
//randomSeed(analogRead(0)); //makes the Random() function truly random
//this is for the sine wave engine throb
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
//This is for the "firing laser" effect, and the always LED for the cockpit
//Pin 9
///sets cockpit LED to on. Use a flickering LED here
digitalWrite(solidLed1, HIGH); //Turns on solid LED
unsigned long newMillis = millis();
//Sets turbloaser control here. The following code was copied
//button debounce counter
if (newMillis >= nextReadMillis) {
// compare the buttonState to its previous state
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {
// if the state has changed, increment the counter
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
// if the current state is HIGH then the button went from off to on:
nextReadMillis = newMillis + debounceTime;
lastButtonState = buttonState; // save the current state as the last state, for next time through the loop
//laser firing
//Intetion is three salvos, each time with the brightness fading
if (buttonCounter == 0){
brightnessLaser = (0);
else if (buttonCounter > 0 && buttonCounter <= 9){
brightnessLaser = (255);
else if (buttonCounter >9 && buttonCounter <= 29){
brightnessLaser = brightnessLaser * laserFade;
else if (buttonCounter > 29 && buttonCounter <= 39){
brightnessLaser = (255);
else if (buttonCounter >39 && buttonCounter <= 59){
brightnessLaser = brightnessLaser * laserFade;
else if (buttonCounter > 59 && buttonCounter <= 69){
brightnessLaser = (255);
else if (buttonCounter > 69 && buttonCounter <= 89){
brightnessLaser = brightnessLaser * laserFade;
// This loops the LEDs after the full "animation"
if (buttonCounter > 89){
brightnessLaser = (0);
buttonCounter = (0);
analogWrite(laserLed1, brightnessLaser);
//This is for the "twinkle side lights"
//Side LEDs Fade
analogWrite(blinkLed1, brightnessBlinkLed1);
analogWrite(blinkLed2, brightnessBlinkLed2);
analogWrite(blinkLed3, brightnessBlinkLed3);
// Sets three leds to flicker randomly. frequency can be modified here. Logic is it randomizes
// a number between 0 and 99. 99 makes LED increase, 0 makes it decrease. should flicker LED's once every 3 seconds
blinkLed1Random = random(randomWidth); //Sets blinkLed1Random to a value between 0 & 199
blinkLed2Random = random(randomWidth); //Sets blinkLed1Random to a value between 0 & 199
blinkLed3Random = random(randomWidth); //Sets blinkLed1Random to a value between 0 & 199
//This sets whether each LED is increasing or decreasing in brightness
if (blinkLed1Random == 0){
blinkLed1Value = LOW;
else if (blinkLed1Random >= 148){
blinkLed1Value = HIGH;
if (blinkLed2Random == 0){
blinkLed2Value = LOW;
else if (blinkLed2Random >= 148){
blinkLed2Value = HIGH;
if (blinkLed3Random == 0){
blinkLed3Value = LOW;
else if (blinkLed3Random >= 148){
blinkLed3Value = HIGH;
// This code increases and decreases the brightness for each LED independantly
//LED 1
if (blinkLed1Value == HIGH && brightnessBlinkLed1 <250){
brightnessBlinkLed1 = brightnessBlinkLed1 + blinkFade;
else if (blinkLed1Value == LOW && brightnessBlinkLed1 >100){
brightnessBlinkLed1 = brightnessBlinkLed1 - blinkFade;
else if (blinkLed1Value == LOW && brightnessBlinkLed1 <=100){
brightnessBlinkLed1 = 0;
//LED 2
if (blinkLed2Value == HIGH && brightnessBlinkLed2 <250){
brightnessBlinkLed2 = brightnessBlinkLed2 + blinkFade;
else if (blinkLed2Value == LOW && brightnessBlinkLed2 >100){
brightnessBlinkLed2 = brightnessBlinkLed2 - blinkFade;
else if (blinkLed2Value == LOW && brightnessBlinkLed2 <=100){
brightnessBlinkLed2 = 0;
//LED 3
if (blinkLed3Value == HIGH && brightnessBlinkLed3 <250){
brightnessBlinkLed3 = brightnessBlinkLed3 + blinkFade;
else if (blinkLed3Value == LOW && brightnessBlinkLed3 >100){
brightnessBlinkLed3 = brightnessBlinkLed3 - blinkFade;
else if (blinkLed3Value == LOW && brightnessBlinkLed3 <=100){
brightnessBlinkLed3 = 0;
//This is for the sine wave engine throb.
throb = 127 * sin( 2 * 3.14 * timeStep) + 127; //sine equation, sine * Tau + 127 to avoid negitive numbers
timeStep = timeStep + 0.01; //used to determine how quickly engines throb, default 0.01 for 3 second pulse.
analogWrite(throbPin1, throb); //writes throb to engines
analogWrite(throbPin2, throb); //writes throb to engines
delay(30); // 30ms cycle