void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial1.begin(9600);// serial communication 9600 bps
pinMode(26, INPUT); // sets pinmode 26 as input
pinMode(16,OUTPUT); // sets pinmode 16 as output
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
const float bt=3950;
float tval=analogRead(26); //reading temperature sensor value
float tempc=1/(log(1/(1023.0/tval-1))/bt+1.0/298.15)-273.15; // converting it into celcius value
Serial1.println(tempc); // printing celcius value
if (tempc>40.0) {
digitalWrite(16,HIGH); // sets pin 16 as High 5V
delay(1000);// delays by 2s
else {
digitalWrite(16,LOW); // sets pin 16 as Low 0V
delay(1000);// delays by 2s