use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use core::str;
use embedded_svc::{
http::{client::Client, Method},
use esp_idf_svc::{
http::client::{Configuration, EspHttpConnection},
use wifi::wifi;
pub struct Config {
wifi_ssid: &'static str,
wifi_psk: &'static str,
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let sysloop = EspSystemEventLoop::take()?;
// The constant `CONFIG` is auto-generated by `toml_config`.
let app_config = CONFIG;
// Connect to the Wi-Fi network
let _wifi = wifi(
fn get(url: impl AsRef<str>) -> Result<()> {
// 1. Create a new EspHttpConnection with default Configuration. (Check documentation)
let connection = EspHttpConnection::new(&Configuration::default())?;
// 2. Get a client using the embedded_svc Client::wrap method. (Check documentation)
let mut client = Client::wrap(connection);
// 3. Open a GET request to `url`
let headers = [("accept", "text/plain")];
let request = client.request(Method::Get, url.as_ref(), &headers)?;
// 4. Submit the request and check the status code of the response.
// Successful http status codes are in the 200..=299 range.
let response = request.submit()?;
let status = response.status();
println!("Response code: {}\n", status);
match status {
200..=299 => {
// 5. If the status is OK, read response data chunk by chunk into a buffer and print it until done.
// NB. There is no guarantee that chunks will be split at the boundaries of valid UTF-8
// sequences (in fact it is likely that they are not) so this edge case needs to be handled.
// However, for the purposes of clarity and brevity(?), the additional case of completely invalid
// UTF-8 sequences will not be handled here and is left as an exercise for the reader.
let mut buf = [0_u8; 256];
// Offset into the buffer to indicate that there may still be
// bytes at the beginning that have not been decoded yet
let mut offset = 0;
// Keep track of the total number of bytes read to print later
let mut total = 0;
let mut reader = response;
loop {
// read into the buffer starting at the offset to not overwrite
// the incomplete UTF-8 sequence we put there earlier
if let Ok(size) = Read::read(&mut reader, &mut buf[offset..]) {
if size == 0 {
// It might be nice to check if we have any left over bytes here (ie. the offset > 0)
// as this would mean that the response ended with an invalid UTF-8 sequence, but for the
// purposes of this training we are assuming that the full response will be valid UTF-8
// Update the total number of bytes read
total += size;
// 6. Try converting the bytes into a Rust (UTF-8) string and print it.
// Remember that we read into an offset and recalculate the real length
// of the bytes to decode.
let size_plus_offset = size + offset;
match str::from_utf8(&buf[..size_plus_offset]) {
Ok(text) => {
// buffer contains fully valid UTF-8 data,
// print it and reset the offset to 0.
print!("{}", text);
offset = 0;
Err(error) => {
// The buffer contains incomplete UTF-8 data, we will
// print the valid part, copy the invalid sequence to
// the beginning of the buffer and set an offset for the
// next read.
// NB. There is actually an additional case here that should be
// handled in a real implementation. The Utf8Error may also contain
// an error_len field indicating that there is actually an invalid UTF-8
// sequence in the middle of the buffer. Such an error would not be
// recoverable through our offset and copy mechanism. The result will be
// that the invalid sequence will be copied to the front of the buffer and
// eventually the buffer will be filled until no more bytes can be read when
// the offset == buf.len(). At this point the loop will exit without reading
// any more of the response.
let valid_up_to = error.valid_up_to();
unsafe {
// It's ok to use unsafe here as the error code already told us that
// the UTF-8 data up to this point is valid, so we can tell the compiler
// it's fine.
print!("{}", str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf[..valid_up_to]));
buf.copy_within(valid_up_to.., 0);
offset = size_plus_offset - valid_up_to;
println!("Total: {} bytes", total);
_ => bail!("Unexpected response code: {}", status),