byte settemp=20;              //set temp for job in c
const float BETA = 3950;      // should match the Beta Coefficient of the thermistor
float jobtemp;                //temp of job in c
float simtemp;                //element temp in c
int lastsimtemp;             //not used
int temp;                    //raw 'jobtemp' reading before calculation to c
int elementtemp;             //raw 'simtemp' reading before calculation to c
int lasttemp;                //not used
int ledState = LOW;             // ledState used to set the HB LED
const long interval = 1000;           // interval at which to HB blink (milliseconds)
int elementplus=5;           //how much higher the element can be to settemp
int hyst=1;                  //jobtemp +hyte,-hyst
unsigned long ele_timmer;     //timmer used for min on and off timer for element
unsigned long modetimmer;     //timmer used for min on and off timer for mode
unsigned long durtimmer;      //duration timmer in minutes
unsigned long ramptimmer;      //duration timmer in minutes
unsigned long previousHB = 0; //heatbeat timmer
byte x=0;                     //mode value
byte val=0;                   //used in the display for current mode value
byte starting = 0;            //0= off, 1=on
int duration=30;              //minutes before shutdown
int rampUpTime=1;              //minutes for ramp up
char* phrases[] = {"xxxx ", "Ramp ", "set temp ", "ele temp ", "hsty ","duration", "HOT=1TEM=2","xxxx","xxxxxx","ssssss"};
byte textoutput=2;            //which text above to use in display

void setup() {

void loop() {
/* if((ramptimmer+(60000*rampUpTime)-millis())/60000<1){
      display.print("HEAT togo;");
     // display.print("HEAT togo;");
     Serial.println((millis()-(ramptimmer))/60000 );
     Serial.println((rampUpTime*60000)<(millis()-(ramptimmer) ));
   // }