// constants (or #define with no ; at end of line) won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers:
int RedPin = 9;
int YellowPin = 6;

int YellowFlashValue = 3;
int RedFlashValue = 5;

int wait = 100;

// Variables will change:

void setup() {
pinMode (RedPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (YellowPin, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

digitalWrite (RedPin, LOW);
digitalWrite (YellowPin, LOW);

for (int x=1; x<= RedFlashValue; x++){

//Serial.print(" = ");
digitalWrite (RedPin, HIGH);
delay (wait);
digitalWrite (RedPin, LOW);
delay (wait);

for (int x=1; x<= YellowFlashValue; x++){

//Serial.print(" = ");
digitalWrite (YellowPin, HIGH);
delay (wait);
digitalWrite (YellowPin, LOW);
delay (wait);
