	Clock example example (Extended class example)
  Display a clock on the display. For this demo you can add a speed multiplier to make the clock run faster. For a real clock you want to use a delay of 1 min or even use a Real Time Clock module (RTC)
	The circuit:
    connect TM1637 pin CLK to Arduino pin D4
    connect TM1637 pin DIO to Arduino pin D5
    connect TM1637 pin Vcc to Arduino pin 5V
    connect TM1637 pin GND to Arduino pin GND
	Created 25 September 2015
	By Bram Harmsen

// include the SevenSegmentTM1637 library
#include "SevenSegmentTM1637.h"
#include "SevenSegmentExtended.h"

/* initialize global TM1637 Display object
   The constructor takes two arguments, the number of the clock pin and the digital output pin:
  SevenSegmentTM1637(byte pinCLK, byte pinDIO);
const byte PIN_CLK = 2;   // define CLK pin (any digital pin)
const byte PIN_DIO = 3;   // define DIO pin (any digital pin)
SevenSegmentExtended      display(PIN_CLK, PIN_DIO);

const unsigned int clockSpeed = 10000;    // speed up clock for demo

// run setup code
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);         // initializes the Serial connection @ 9600 baud
  display.begin();            // initializes the display
  display.setBacklight(100);  // set the brightness to 100 %
  delay(1000);                // wait 1000 ms

// run loop (forever)
void loop() {

  byte hours    = 14;                           // initialize hours
  byte minutes  = 39;                           // initialize minutes

  for ( ; hours < 24; hours++) {                // count hours   up to 24
    for ( ; minutes < 60; minutes++) {          // count minutes up to 59
      display.printTime(hours, minutes, true);  // display time
      delay(60000 / clockSpeed);                // clock delay ms
    minutes = 0;                                // reset minutes
4-Digit Display