 * Modular 7-segment display using (WS2812B) programmable LED strip
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Playful Technology

// Interfacing to programmable LED strips, see https://fastled.io/
#include <FastLED.h>
// For debouncing button input, see https://github.com/thomasfredericks/Bounce2
#include <Bounce2.h>

// How many LEDs are used in each digit
// Total number of LEDs in the strip
#define NUM_LEDS 116
// The pin which is connected to the DataIn of the LED strip
#define DATA_PIN 6
// If defined, timer shows minutes and seconds MM:SS, rather than seconds SSSS

// The following array defines the sequence of LEDs that should be lit to represent each digit 0-9
// This will vary depending on the order in which the strip has been physically wired through
// the segments, the number of LEDs in each segment, whether there are any unused LEDs in the strip
// (e.g. between digits) etc.
// Segments of a 7-segment display are generally labelled as follows:
//    /-A-\
//    F   B
//    --G-/
//    E   C
//    \-D-/
// The way I've wired the strips is:
// - Strip is fed through the segments in the order G->B->A->F->E->D->C (then onto the next digit)
// - There are 4 LEDs in each segment
// - There is a single unused LED in the strip between segments F and E
// - This makes the total length of 29 LEDs in the strip for each digit
// - I'm packing these into a single 32-bit integer, and since bitwise operations are MSB, this will
// be counted from the right-hand side, and then padded at the front with 3x0s up to 32 bits.
// e.g. 0b000ccccddddeeee0ffffaaaabbbbgggg
// If you have an even bigger display containing more LEDs, it might be necessary to pack them into a
// 64-bit integer instead, i.e. uint64_t.
const uint32_t digits[10] = {
  0b00011111111111101111111111110000, // 0
  0b00011110000000000000000011110000, // 1
  0b00000001111111100000111111111111, // 2
  0b00011111111000000000111111111111, // 3
  0b00011110000000001111000011111111, // 4
  0b00011111111000001111111100001111, // 5
  0b00011111111111101111111100001111, // 6
  0b00011110000000000000111111110000, // 7
  0b00011111111111101111111111111111, // 8
  0b00011111111000001111111111111111, // 9
// Input pins
const byte leftPin = 3;
const byte startPin = 4;
const byte rightPin = 5;

// The array of RGB values assigned to each LED in the strip

// Bounce objects to read debounced button input
Bounce2::Button btnStart = Bounce2::Button();
Bounce2::Button btnLeft = Bounce2::Button();
Bounce2::Button btnRight = Bounce2::Button();

// The time at which the counter was (most recently) started
unsigned long startTime;

// Duration is specified in ms. So 1000 = 1 second, 60000 = 1 minute, etc.
unsigned long timerDuration = 0;

// Keep track of elapsed time from previous start/stop cycles
unsigned long cumulativeElapsedTime;

// Keep track of the current state of the device
enum State {Inactive, Active};
State state = State::Inactive;
// Count direction
enum Mode {CountUp, CountDown};
Mode mode = Mode::CountUp;

// Set the values in the LED strip corresponding to a particular display/value 
void setDigit(int display, int val, CHSV colour){
  for(int i=0;i<NUM_LEDS_PER_DIGIT; i++){
    colour.v = bitRead(digits[val], i) * 255;
    leds[display*NUM_LEDS_PER_DIGIT + i] = colour;

void Start(){
  Serial.println(F("Timer activated!"));
  state = State::Active;
  startTime = millis();

void Stop() {
  Serial.println(F("Timer stopped"));
  // Add the length of time elapsed since the timer was last started to the total time elapsed
  cumulativeElapsedTime += (millis() - startTime);
  state = State::Inactive;

void Reset(){
  Serial.println(F("Timer reset"));
  cumulativeElapsedTime = 0;
  state = State::Inactive;
// This function runs once when the program first starts
void setup() {

  // Initialise a serial connection, used only for debugging
  Serial.println(__FILE__ __DATE__);
// Initialise the LED strip
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

  // Configure the debounced inputs
  btnStart.attach(startPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  btnLeft.attach(leftPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  btnRight.attach(rightPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

  state = State::Inactive;

// This function runs over and over
void loop() {

  // Check whether any buttons have been pressed

  // Grab the current timestamp
  unsigned long currentTime = millis();

  // Calculate the value to be displayed
  static long timeValue = 0;
  // The colour hue in which the time will be displayed
  int timeHue = 170;

  // What to do next depends on the current state of the device
  if(state == State::Active) {

    if(mode == Mode::CountDown) {
      // The time remaining is the total game duration, less the time spent during the
      // current period of play, less the time elapsed during any previous sessions
      // or other deductions
      timeValue = timerDuration - (currentTime - startTime) - cumulativeElapsedTime;
      // Map colour hue from green -> red based on fraction of time remaining
      timeHue = map(timeValue, 0, timerDuration, 0, 100);
      // Countdown has reached zero
      if(timeValue <= 0) {
        timeValue = 0;
        state = State::Inactive;
    else if(mode == Mode::CountUp) {
      // Time is however long since we started counting, plus any previous existing time
      timeValue = (currentTime - startTime) + cumulativeElapsedTime;
      // Constant colour
      timeHue = 0;

    // Toggle whether timer is active
    if(btnStart.pressed()) {
  else if(state == State::Inactive){

    // Cycle colour hue while paused (BPM, from_value, to_value)
    timeHue = beatsin8(20, 0, 40);

    // Subtract from countdown duration
    if(btnLeft.pressed()) {
      if(timerDuration >= 60000) { timerDuration -= 60000; }
      timeValue = timerDuration;
    // Add to countdown duration
    if(btnRight.pressed()) {
      timerDuration += 60000;
      timeValue = timerDuration;
    // Start timer
    if(btnStart.pressed()) {

      // Set mode depending on whether duration had been set
      if(timerDuration == 0) { mode = Mode::CountUp; }
      else { mode = Mode::CountDown; }

      // Activate the counter

  // Display as mm:ss
    // Use modulo to calculate "remainder" seconds
    int seconds = (timeValue / 1000) % 60;
    int minutes = timeValue / 60000;
    // Units
    setDigit(3, seconds%10, CHSV(timeHue, 255, 255));
    // Tens
    setDigit(2,(seconds/10)%10, CHSV(timeHue, 255, 255));
    // Hundreds
    setDigit(1, minutes%10, CHSV(timeHue, 255, 255));
    // Thousands
    setDigit(0,(minutes/10)%10, CHSV(timeHue, 255, 255));
  // Display in seconds
    // Units
    setDigit(3, (timeValue / 1000) % 10, CHSV(timeHue, 255, 255));
    // Tens
    setDigit(2, (timeValue / 10000) % 10, CHSV(timeHue, 255, 255));
    // Hundreds
    setDigit(1, (timeValue / 100000) % 10, CHSV(timeHue, 255, 255));
    // Thousands
    setDigit(0, (timeValue / 1000000) % 10, CHSV(timeHue, 255, 255));

  // Send the updated values to the LED strip