#include <timeObj.h>
#include <idlers.h>
// Mixing idlers with timeObj. Creating a new class that
// calls a user defined callback repeately. And, as
// always, All of this is totally NON BLOCKING.
// Hide the mess of millis.
// You will need to install LC_baseTools to compile
// this on your machine.
// timedCallback class. Give it a time, then
// give it a function to call. This'll call
// that function for you whenever the time
// expires.
// The .h stuff..
class timedCallback : public timeObj,
public idler {
timedCallback(float inMs=10,bool startNow=true);
virtual ~timedCallback(void);
virtual void idle(void);
void setCallback(void(*funct)(void));
void (*callback)(void);
// The .cpp stuff..
// Our constructor. Sets the period in ms of the repeted callbacks.
// And if it starts now, or you will start it later.
timedCallback::timedCallback(float inMs,bool startNow)
: timeObj(inMs,startNow),
idler() { callback = NULL; }
// Destructor, but realy there's nothing for it to do.
timedCallback::~timedCallback(void) { }
// This is the inherited call from idler that is called every time
// through we go through loop(). In this case it's a piece of code
// that watches the time, and does the actual callback call when the
// time expires.
void timedCallback::idle(void) {
if (ding()) { // If the time has expired..
if (callback) { // If we have a callback..
callback(); // Call the callback.
} //
stepTime(); // Reset the timer for the next callback.
// The method to call to set the callback function.
void timedCallback::setCallback(void(*funct)(void)) {
callback = funct; // Point to the calback function.
hookup(); // The hookup call to get ourseves into the idle queue.
// The Demo .ino
timedCallback callbackObj(1000); // HERE Create the callback object. (Set for every second.)
int callbackNum = 1; // A number to show how many callbacks have happened.
void setup() {
Serial.println("Setting up to call the callback & blink the LED.");
callbackObj.setCallback(myFunction); // HERE we are setting the callback function.
// HERE The callback function.
void myFunction(void) {
Serial.print("callback called #");
// Showing A) The callback object is non-blocking and B) We give you sleep() to replace
// delay(). Sleep stops the main loop but leaves the idlers all running.
void loop() {
idle(); // HERE the idle function call. Runs all idlers.
digitalWrite(13,HIGH); // LED on
sleep(200); // HERE in your main loop sleep() replaces delay().
digitalWrite(13,LOW); // LED off
sleep(250); // HERE Sleep again. Loop sleeps idlers don't