// For: https://forum.arduino.cc/t/temperature-sensor-always-giving-127-00-c-and-196-60-f-as-output/1011429/
// Version 1, 11 July 2022, by Koepel, Public Domain
// Based on:
//   https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-pinout-reference-gpios/
//   For the pins. Pin 34 has no special power-on conditions,
//   and it is still avaible when the Wifi is used.
//   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermistor
//   For the simplified "Beta" formula.

// NTC
const int ntcPin = 34;           // A good pin for analog input

const double Beta = 3950;        // I think the Wokwi NTC has this Beta
const double Tnul = 298.15;      // 25°C = 298.15K, the reference temperature for the NTC
const double Rnul = 10000;       // a 10k NTC
const double Rresistor = 10000;  // a 10k resistor to 3.3V

void setup() 


void loop() 
  int rawADC = analogRead( ntcPin);    // 12 bit

  // Warning:
  //   This calculation uses 3.3 for the full range voltage.
  //   Do not change the 3.3 of the formula if the ESP32 runs at a other voltage.
  double voltage = (double) rawADC * 3.3 / 4096;   // 12 bit, range is 3.3V
  Serial.print( "Input = ");
  Serial.print( voltage);
  Serial.print( "V, ");

  // Calculate the resistance of the NTC
  double R = (voltage * Rresistor) / (3.3 - voltage);
  Serial.print( "NTC = ");
  Serial.print( R);
  Serial.print( "Ω, ");

  double x = Rnul * exp( -Beta / Tnul);
  double kelvin = Beta / (log(R/x));
  double celsius = kelvin - 273.15;
  Serial.print( "Temperature = ");
  Serial.print( celsius);
  Serial.print( "°C");

  delay( 1000);
