void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

Digital InputBreakout
Digital OutputBreakout
INPUT ------- output format[1] 0 = User friendly 7 segment display output 1 = Machine friendly output
enable[2] 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
opcode[3] and opcode[4] 00 = Compare binary encoded ternary input A being i [7] and i [8] LSB to input B i [5] and i [6] LSB. 01 = Conversion binary encoded ternary input A being i [7] and i [8] LSB to decimal or unary encoded ternary (see output format). 10 = Conversion binary encoded ternary input B being i [5] and i [6] LSB to decimal or unary encoded ternary (see output format). 11 = Conversion unary encoded ternary on input A being i [7] and i [8] LSB to decimal or binary encoded ternary (see output format).
Full datasheet can be found with more examples and explanation at https://github.com/aiunderstand/tinytapeout_asyncbinterconvcomp
Examples Mode (MSB) 0100 (human format, enabled, compare) Input 0001 (LSB) Output 'A' (because input A is larger than B) Mode (MSB) 0100 (human format, enabled, compare) Input 0101 (LSB) Output '=' (because input A is equal to B) Mode (MSB) 1100 (machine format, enabled, compare) Input 0101 (LSB) Output '-' (top bar = A, middle bar Equal, bottom bar = B) Illegal is compare with input A=01 and input B=10, which both are binary encoded ternary logic 1. Typically only one encoding variant is used.