//ATtiny85  External counter via ISR;
// Time counting more than 255
// Mokhtar Zerdali 2022.
#include <TinyDebug.h>

#define F_CPU 8000000UL
#define INT_PIN PB2 // INT0 -> PB2 external interrupt pin

volatile unsigned long Overflow ; // value >256, and volatile between void programs
volatile unsigned long Count;

volatile byte  i;

void counter_setup()
  //Debug.begin( 9600 );    // for tiny_debug_serial
  //Debug.println(F("Hello, clock is running"));
  DDRB = (1 << PB1) | (1 << PB0) | (1 << PB3) | (1 << PB4);

  TCCR0A = 0X00; //TCCR0A to low for normal port operation and mode 0.
  TCCR0B = 0X00; //WGM02=0
  //TCCR0B |= (1 << CS00); //No prescaling clk
  TCCR0B |= (1 << CS01) | (1 << CS02); //external counting, Clk on Falling edge sense

  TCNT0 = 0; //initializing the counter to 0
  // Overflow >255 interrupts
  TIMSK = bit (TOIE0); //|= (1 << TOIE0); //enabling overflow interrupts of  timer0
  Overflow = 0;
  //Externall interrupts
  GIMSK |= (1 << INT0); // enable external interrupt

  // Mode sense of MCUCR Register to choose the adequate sense
  MCUCR &= ~(bit(ISC01) | bit(ISC00));    //1/ INT0 on low level, while ISR senses by mode low level
  // The low level of INT0 generates an interrupt request
  //MCUCR = //(1 << ISC00); //2/ Any Logical mode sense
  //MCUCR = (1 << ISC01); //3/ FALLING mode sense
  //MCUCR = bit(ISC01) | bit(ISC00); //4// RISING mode sense
ISR (TIMER0_OVF_vect) //Interrupt vector for Timer0 >>>> Counter0
  Overflow++; // count number of overflow
} // End of TIMER0_OVF_vect
ISR(INT0_vect) // Interrupter vector for external inerruption
  i = digitalRead(PB2);
  digitalWrite(PB1, i);

  Count = TCNT0 + (Overflow << 8); //n° overflow*256

 // Debug.println("");

int main()
  while (1)

    PORTB = bit(PB0);
