#define thermistorPin 4
#define pCONTROLE 5
const int SAMPLE_NUMBER = 10;
const double BALANCE_RESISTOR = 9880.0;
const double MAX_ADC = 4095.0;
const double BETA = 3974.0;
const double ROOM_TEMP = 298.15;
const double RESISTOR_ROOM_TEMP = 10000.0;
double currentTemperature = 0;
double setP = 1.0, setI = 0.0, setD = 0.0;
int controlePWM = 50;
class PID{
double error; double sample; double lastSample;
double kP, kI, kD; double P, I, D; double pid;
double setPoint; long lastProcess;
PID(double _kP, double _kI, double _kD){kP = _kP; kI = _kI; kD = _kD;}
void addNewSample(double _sample){sample = _sample;}
void setSetPoint(double _setPoint){setPoint = _setPoint;}
double process(){
// Implementação P ID
error = setPoint - sample;
float deltaTime = (millis() - lastProcess) / 1000.0;
lastProcess = millis();
P = error * kP; //Controle P
I = I + (error * kI) * deltaTime; //Controle I
D = (lastSample - sample) * kD / deltaTime; //Controle D
lastSample = sample;
pid = P + I + D; //Soma dos controles P, I e D
return pid;
PID PIDcontrol(setP, setI, setD);
void setup()
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(thermistorPin, INPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(2, ( millis() % 500) < 50 );
if ( ( millis() % 500 ) <= 1 ) {
currentTemperature = pSENSOR();
Serial.print(currentTemperature); Serial.print(" °C ");
Serial.print(controlePWM); Serial.println(" PWM");
controlePWM = (PIDcontrol.process() + 50);
analogWrite(pCONTROLE, controlePWM);
double pSENSOR()
double rThermistor = 0; // Holds thermistor resistance value
double tKelvin = 0; // Holds calculated temperature
double tCelsius = 0; // Hold temperature in celsius
double adcAverage = 0; // Holds the average voltage measurement
int adcSamples[SAMPLE_NUMBER]; // Array to hold each voltage measurement
for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_NUMBER; i++ ) { adcSamples[i] = analogRead(thermistorPin); delay(10); }
for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_NUMBER; i++ ) { adcAverage = adcSamples[i]; }
adcAverage /= SAMPLE_NUMBER;
rThermistor = BALANCE_RESISTOR * ( (MAX_ADC / adcAverage) - 1);
tKelvin = (BETA * ROOM_TEMP) / (BETA + (ROOM_TEMP * log(rThermistor / RESISTOR_ROOM_TEMP)));
tCelsius = tKelvin - 273.15; // convert kelvin to celsius
tCelsius = tCelsius * (-1); //Por algum motivo desconhecido é necessário tornar a temp positiva
return tCelsius; // Return the temperature in Celsius