OLED display simple none blocking menu System - i2c version SSD1306 - 30mar22
This sketch is on Github: https://github.com/alanesq/BasicOLEDMenu
The sketch displays a menu on the oled and when an item is selected it sets a
flag and waits until the event is acted upon. Max menu items on a 128x64 oled
is four.
Notes: text size 1 = 21 x 8 characters on the larger oLED display
text size 2 = 10 x 4
For more oled info see: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/guide-for-oled-display-with-arduino/
See the "menus below here" section for examples of how to use the menus
Note: If you get garbage on the display and the device locking up etc. it may just be a poor connection
to the rotary encoder
#include <Arduino.h> // required by platformIO
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#define SSD1306_NO_SPLASH
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// S E T T I N G S
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Arduino Mega
#define encoder0PinA 2 // Rotary encoder gpio pin
#define encoder0PinB 4 // Rotary encoder gpio pin
#define encoder0Press 5 // Rotary encoder button gpio pin
#define OLEDC 0 // oled clock pin (set to 0 for default)
#define OLEDD 0 // oled data pin
#define OLEDE 0 // oled enable pin
// oLED
#define OLED_ADDR 0x3C // OLED i2c address
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width, in pixels (usually 128)
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64 // OLED display height, in pixels (64 for larger oLEDs)
#define OLED_RESET -1 // Reset pin gpio (or -1 if sharing Arduino reset pin)
// Misc
const int serialDebug = 1;
const int iLED = 2; // onboard indicator led gpio pin
#define BUTTONPRESSEDSTATE 0 // rotary encoder gpio pin logic level when the button is pressed (usually 0)
#define DEBOUNCEDELAY 20 // debounce delay for button inputs
const int menuTimeout = 10; // menu inactivity timeout (seconds)
const bool menuLargeText = 0; // show larger text when possible (if struggling to read the small text)
const int maxmenuItems = 12; // max number of items used in any of the menus (keep as low as possible to save memory)
const int itemTrigger = 1; // rotary encoder - counts per tick (varies between encoders usually 1 or 2)
const int topLine = 18; // y position of lower area of the display (18 with two colour displays)
const byte lineSpace1 = 9; // line spacing for textsize 1 (small text)
const byte lineSpace2 = 17; // line spacing for textsize 2 (large text)
const int displayMaxLines = 5; // max lines that can be displayed in lower section of display in textsize1 (5 on larger oLeds)
const int MaxmenuTitleLength = 10; // max characters per line when using text size 2 (usually 10)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward declarations
void doEncoder();
void demoMenu();
void menuActions();
void value1();
void menuValues();
void reUpdateButton();
void serviceMenu();
int serviceValue(bool _blocking);
void createList(String _title, int _noOfElements, String *_list);
void displayMessage(String _title, String _message);
void resetMenu();
// menus
// modes that the menu system can be in
enum menuModes {
off, // display is off
menu, // a menu is active
value, // 'enter a value' none blocking is active
message, // displaying a message
blocking // a blocking procedure is in progress (see enter value)
menuModes menuMode = off; // default mode at startup is off
struct oledMenus {
// menu
String menuTitle = ""; // the title of active mode
int noOfmenuItems = 0; // number if menu items in the active menu
int selectedMenuItem = 0; // when a menu item is selected it is flagged here until actioned and cleared
int highlightedMenuItem = 0; // which item is curently highlighted in the menu
String menuItems[maxmenuItems + 1]; // store for the menu item titles
uint32_t lastMenuActivity = 0; // time the menu last saw any activity (used for timeout)
// 'enter a value'
int mValueEntered = 0; // store for number entered by value entry menu
int mValueLow = 0; // lowest allowed value
int mValueHigh = 0; // highest allowed value
int mValueStep = 0; // step size when encoder is turned
oledMenus oledMenu;
struct rotaryEncoders {
volatile int encoder0Pos = 0; // current value selected with rotary encoder (updated by interrupt routine)
volatile bool encoderPrevA; // used to debounced rotary encoder
volatile bool encoderPrevB; // used to debounced rotary encoder
uint8_t encoderPrevState;
uint32_t reLastButtonChange = 0; // last time state of button changed (for debouncing)
bool encoderPrevButton = 0; // used to debounce button
int reButtonDebounced = 0; // debounced current button state (1 when pressed)
const bool reButtonPressedState = BUTTONPRESSEDSTATE; // the logic level when the button is pressed
const uint32_t reDebounceDelay = DEBOUNCEDELAY; // button debounce delay setting
bool reButtonPressed = 0; // flag set when the button is pressed (it has to be manually reset)
rotaryEncoders rotaryEncoder;
// oled SSD1306 display connected to I2C
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The custom menus go below here
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Start the default menu
void defaultMenu() {
// -----------------------------------------------
// a demonstration of how to create a menu
// when an item is selected it is actioned in menuActions()
void demoMenu() {
resetMenu(); // clear any previous menu
menuMode = menu; // enable menu mode
oledMenu.noOfmenuItems = 8; // set the number of items in this menu
oledMenu.menuTitle = "demo_menu"; // menus title (used to identify it)
oledMenu.menuItems[1] = "item1"; // set the menu items
oledMenu.menuItems[2] = "item2";
oledMenu.menuItems[3] = "Quick menu";
oledMenu.menuItems[4] = "On or Off";
oledMenu.menuItems[5] = "Enter value";
oledMenu.menuItems[6] = "Enter value-blocking";
oledMenu.menuItems[7] = "Message";
oledMenu.menuItems[8] = "Menus Off";
} // demoMenu
// Actions for menu selections are put in here
// note: it would probably be better to put these in their own seperate procedures but I have kept
// them all in this one place to make it easier to follow
void menuActions() {
if (oledMenu.menuTitle == "demo_menu") { // actions when an item is selected in "demo_menu"
// demonstrate quickly create a menu from a list
if (oledMenu.menuTitle == "demo_menu" && oledMenu.selectedMenuItem == 3) {
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("demo_menu: create menu from a list");
String tList[] = {"main menu", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"};
createList("demo_list", 6, &tList[0]);
// demonstrate selecting between 2 options only
if (oledMenu.selectedMenuItem == 4) {
menuMode = value;
oledMenu.menuTitle = "on or off";
oledMenu.mValueLow = 0;
oledMenu.mValueHigh = 1;
oledMenu.mValueStep = 1;
oledMenu.mValueEntered = 0; // set parameters
// demonstrate usage of 'enter a value' (none blocking)
if (oledMenu.selectedMenuItem == 5) {
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("demo_menu: none blocking enter value");
value1(); // enter a value
// demonstrate usage of 'enter a value' (blocking) which is quick and easy but stops all other tasks until the value is entered
if (oledMenu.selectedMenuItem == 6) {
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("demo_menu: blocking enter a value");
// set perameters
menuMode = value;
oledMenu.menuTitle = "blocking";
oledMenu.mValueLow = 0;
oledMenu.mValueHigh = 50;
oledMenu.mValueStep = 1;
oledMenu.mValueEntered = 5;
int tEntered = serviceValue(1); // request value
Serial.println("The value entered was " + String(tEntered));
// demonstrate usage of message
if (oledMenu.selectedMenuItem == 7) {
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("demo_menu: message");
displayMessage("Message", "Hello\nThis is a demo\nmessage."); // 21 chars per line, "\n" = next line
// turn menu/oLED off
else if (oledMenu.selectedMenuItem == 8) {
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("demo_menu: menu off");
resetMenu(); // turn menus off
oledMenu.selectedMenuItem = 0; // clear menu item selected flag as it has been actioned
// actions when an item is selected in the demo_list menu
if (oledMenu.menuTitle == "demo_list") {
// back to main menu
if (oledMenu.selectedMenuItem == 1) {
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("demo_list: back to main menu");
oledMenu.selectedMenuItem = 0; // clear menu item selected flag as it has been actioned
} // menuActions
// -----------------------------------------------
// demonstration of how to enter a value
void value1() {
resetMenu(); // clear any previous menu
menuMode = value; // enable value entry
oledMenu.menuTitle = "demo_value"; // title (used to identify which number was entered)
oledMenu.mValueLow = 0; // minimum value allowed
oledMenu.mValueHigh = 100; // maximum value allowed
oledMenu.mValueStep = 1; // step size
oledMenu.mValueEntered = 50; // starting value
// actions for value entered put in here
void menuValues() {
// action for "demo_value"
if (oledMenu.menuTitle == "demo_value") {
String tString = String(oledMenu.mValueEntered);
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("demo_value: The value entered was " + tString);
displayMessage("ENTERED", "\nYou entered\nthe value\n " + tString);
// alternatively use 'resetMenu()' here to turn menus off after value entered - or use 'defaultMenu()' to re-start the default menu
// action for "on or off"
if (oledMenu.menuTitle == "on or off") {
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("demo_menu: on off selection was " + String(oledMenu.mValueEntered));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// custom menus go above here
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// -setup
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// called from main setup
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial); delay(50); // start serial comms
Serial.println("\n\n\nStarting menu demo\n");
pinMode(iLED, OUTPUT); // onboard indicator led
// configure gpio pins for rotary encoder
pinMode(encoder0Press, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(encoder0PinA, INPUT);
pinMode(encoder0PinB, INPUT);
// initialise the oled display
// enable pin
if (OLEDE != 0) {
digitalWrite(OLEDE, HIGH);
if (0 == OLEDC) Wire.begin();
//else Wire.begin(OLEDD, OLEDC);
if (!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, OLED_ADDR)) {
if (serialDebug) Serial.println(("\nError initialising the oled display"));
// Interrupt for reading the rotary encoder position
rotaryEncoder.encoder0Pos = 0;
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(encoder0PinA), doEncoder, CHANGE);
//defaultMenu(); // start the default menu
// display greeting message - pressing button will start menu
displayMessage("STARTED", "BasicWebserver\nsketch");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// -loop
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// called from main loop
void loop() {
reUpdateButton(); // update rotary encoder button status (if pressed activate default menu)
menuUpdate(); // update or action the oled menu
// flash onboard led
static uint32_t ledTimer = millis();
if ( (unsigned long)(millis() - ledTimer) > 500 ) {
digitalWrite(iLED, !digitalRead(iLED));
ledTimer = millis();
} // oledLoop
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// -button debounce (rotary encoder)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// update rotary encoder current button status
void reUpdateButton() {
bool tReading = digitalRead(encoder0Press); // read current button state
if (tReading != rotaryEncoder.encoderPrevButton) rotaryEncoder.reLastButtonChange = millis(); // if it has changed reset timer
if ( (unsigned long)(millis() - rotaryEncoder.reLastButtonChange) > rotaryEncoder.reDebounceDelay ) { // if button state is stable
if (rotaryEncoder.encoderPrevButton == rotaryEncoder.reButtonPressedState) {
if (rotaryEncoder.reButtonDebounced == 0) { // if the button has been pressed
rotaryEncoder.reButtonPressed = 1; // flag set when the button has been pressed
if (menuMode == off) defaultMenu(); // if the display is off start the default menu
rotaryEncoder.reButtonDebounced = 1; // debounced button status (1 when pressed)
} else {
rotaryEncoder.reButtonDebounced = 0;
rotaryEncoder.encoderPrevButton = tReading; // update last state read
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// -update the active menu
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void menuUpdate() {
if (menuMode == off) return; // if menu system is turned off do nothing more
// if no recent activity then turn oled off
if ( (unsigned long)(millis() - oledMenu.lastMenuActivity) > (menuTimeout * 1000) ) {
switch (menuMode) {
// if there is an active menu
case menu:
// if there is an active none blocking 'enter value'
case value:
if (rotaryEncoder.reButtonPressed) { // if the button has been pressed
menuValues(); // a value has been entered so action it
// if a message is being displayed
case message:
if (rotaryEncoder.reButtonPressed == 1) defaultMenu(); // if button has been pressed return to default menu
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// -service active menu
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void serviceMenu() {
// rotary encoder
if (rotaryEncoder.encoder0Pos >= itemTrigger) {
rotaryEncoder.encoder0Pos -= itemTrigger;
oledMenu.lastMenuActivity = millis(); // log time
if (rotaryEncoder.encoder0Pos <= -itemTrigger) {
rotaryEncoder.encoder0Pos += itemTrigger;
oledMenu.lastMenuActivity = millis(); // log time
if (rotaryEncoder.reButtonPressed == 1) {
oledMenu.selectedMenuItem = oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem; // flag that the item has been selected
oledMenu.lastMenuActivity = millis(); // log time
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("menu '" + oledMenu.menuTitle + "' item '" + oledMenu.menuItems[oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem] + "' selected");
if (oledMenu.menuItems[oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem] == "2") {
if (oledMenu.menuItems[oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem] == "3") {
if (oledMenu.menuItems[oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem] == "4") {
if (oledMenu.menuItems[oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem] == "5") {
if (oledMenu.menuItems[oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem] == "6") {
const int _centreLine = displayMaxLines / 2 + 1; // mid list point
// verify valid highlighted item
if (oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem > oledMenu.noOfmenuItems) oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem = oledMenu.noOfmenuItems;
if (oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem < 1) oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem = 1;
// title
display.setCursor(0, 0);
if (menuLargeText) {
display.println(oledMenu.menuItems[oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem].substring(0, MaxmenuTitleLength));
} else {
if (oledMenu.menuTitle.length() > MaxmenuTitleLength) display.setTextSize(1);
else display.setTextSize(2);
display.drawLine(0, topLine - 1, display.width(), topLine - 1, WHITE); // draw horizontal line under title
// menu
display.setCursor(0, topLine);
for (int i = 1; i <= displayMaxLines; i++) {
int item = oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem - _centreLine + i;
if (item == oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem) display.setTextColor(BLACK, WHITE);
else display.setTextColor(WHITE);
if (item > 0 && item <= oledMenu.noOfmenuItems) display.println(oledMenu.menuItems[item]);
else display.println(" ");
//// how to display some updating info. on the menu screen
// display.setCursor(80, 25);
// display.println(millis());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// -service value entry
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// if _blocking set to 1 then all other tasks are stopped until a value is entered
int serviceValue(bool _blocking) {
const int _valueSpacingX = 30; // spacing for the displayed value y position
const int _valueSpacingY = 5; // spacing for the displayed value y position
if (_blocking) {
menuMode = blocking;
oledMenu.lastMenuActivity = millis(); // log time of last activity (for timeout)
uint32_t tTime;
do {
// rotary encoder
if (rotaryEncoder.encoder0Pos >= itemTrigger) {
rotaryEncoder.encoder0Pos -= itemTrigger;
oledMenu.mValueEntered -= oledMenu.mValueStep;
oledMenu.lastMenuActivity = millis(); // log time
if (rotaryEncoder.encoder0Pos <= -itemTrigger) {
rotaryEncoder.encoder0Pos += itemTrigger;
oledMenu.mValueEntered += oledMenu.mValueStep;
oledMenu.lastMenuActivity = millis(); // log time
if (oledMenu.mValueEntered < oledMenu.mValueLow) {
oledMenu.mValueEntered = oledMenu.mValueLow;
oledMenu.lastMenuActivity = millis(); // log time
if (oledMenu.mValueEntered > oledMenu.mValueHigh) {
oledMenu.mValueEntered = oledMenu.mValueHigh;
oledMenu.lastMenuActivity = millis(); // log time
// title
display.setCursor(0, 0);
if (oledMenu.menuTitle.length() > MaxmenuTitleLength) display.setTextSize(1);
else display.setTextSize(2);
display.drawLine(0, topLine - 1, display.width(), topLine - 1, WHITE); // draw horizontal line under title
// value selected
display.setCursor(_valueSpacingX, topLine + _valueSpacingY);
// range
display.setCursor(0, display.height() - lineSpace1 - 1 ); // bottom of display
display.println(String(oledMenu.mValueLow) + " to " + String(oledMenu.mValueHigh));
// bar
int Tlinelength = map(oledMenu.mValueEntered, oledMenu.mValueLow, oledMenu.mValueHigh, 0, display.width());
display.drawLine(0, display.height() - 1, Tlinelength, display.height() - 1, WHITE);
reUpdateButton(); // check status of button
tTime = (unsigned long)(millis() - oledMenu.lastMenuActivity); // time since last activity
} while (_blocking && rotaryEncoder.reButtonPressed == 0 && tTime < (menuTimeout * 1000)); // if in blocking mode repeat until button is pressed or timeout
if (_blocking) menuMode = off;
return oledMenu.mValueEntered; // used when in blocking mode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// -list create
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// create a menu from a list
// e.g. String tList[]={"main menu", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"};
// createList("demo_list", 6, &tList[0]);
void createList(String _title, int _noOfElements, String *_list) {
resetMenu(); // clear any previous menu
menuMode = menu; // enable menu mode
oledMenu.noOfmenuItems = _noOfElements; // set the number of items in this menu
oledMenu.menuTitle = _title; // menus title (used to identify it)
for (int i = 1; i <= _noOfElements; i++) {
oledMenu.menuItems[i] = _list[i - 1]; // set the menu items
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// -message display
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// 21 characters per line, use "\n" for next line
// assistant: < line 1 >< line 2 >< line 3 >< line 4 >
void displayMessage(String _title, String _message) {
menuMode = message;
// title
display.setCursor(0, 0);
if (menuLargeText) {
display.println(_title.substring(0, MaxmenuTitleLength));
} else {
if (_title.length() > MaxmenuTitleLength) display.setTextSize(1);
else display.setTextSize(2);
// message
display.setCursor(0, topLine);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// -reset menu system
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
void resetMenu() {
// reset all menu variables / flags
menuMode = off;
oledMenu.selectedMenuItem = 0;
rotaryEncoder.encoder0Pos = 0;
oledMenu.noOfmenuItems = 0;
oledMenu.menuTitle = "";
oledMenu.highlightedMenuItem = 0;
oledMenu.mValueEntered = 0;
rotaryEncoder.reButtonPressed = 0;
oledMenu.lastMenuActivity = millis(); // log time
// clear oled display
void IRAM_ATTR doEncoder() {
static const int8_t lookupTable[] = {
0, 1, -1, 2,
-1, 0, 2, 1,
1, 2, 0, -1,
2, -1, 1, 0
static volatile bool pinA = false;
static volatile bool pinB = false;
pinA = digitalRead(encoder0PinA);
pinB = digitalRead(encoder0PinB);
rotaryEncoder.encoderPrevA = pinA;
rotaryEncoder.encoderPrevB = pinB;
int8_t position = (rotaryEncoder.encoderPrevA << 1) | (rotaryEncoder.encoderPrevB << 2) | (pinA << 1) | pinB; // encode current and previous pin states
rotaryEncoder.encoder0Pos -= lookupTable[position];
Serial.print("pinA: ");
Serial.print(", pinB: ");
Serial.print(", position: ");
// ---------------------------------------------- end ----------------------------------------------