Purpose - to repeat Prof Spoelstra's 7 seg timing counter algorithm
without use of switch and case statements and sevseg library
extend to the hex alphabet
Understand the approach to simplify the code
- include pattern for bit maps of 7 seg digits and letters
- assign digit and segment pins to variables
- funct add - timing algorithm one timing increment per call to update segments
- funct clearleds - turn off leds by high-ing digit pins and low-ering segment pins (no current flow)
- funct picknumber - passes pattern to digital writes for parsing to turn on/off segment pins for the digit
- funct pickdigit - determines which digit line to turn low to light the digit
#include <TimerOne.h>
// globals
// pin assignments
const byte a = 6; // connect to a
const byte b = 7; // b
const byte c = 8; // etc
const byte d = 9;
const byte e = 10;
const byte f = 11;
const byte g = 12;
const byte dp = 13;
const byte d4 = 5;
const byte d3 = 4;
const byte d2 = 3;
const byte d1 = 2;
// segment pin array
const byte SEG_ARRAY[] = { a, b, c, d, e, f, g, dp };
//digit pin array
const byte DIGIT_ARRAY[ ] = {d1, d2, d3, d4};
//7-seg pattern array for bit illumination of segments to make characters
const byte PATTERN [] = {
// .gfe dcba order
0x3F, // 0 0011 1111 AAAAA
0x06, // 1 0000 0110 F B
0x5B, // 2 0101 1011 F B
0x4F, // 3 0100 1111 F B
0x66, // 4 0110 0110 GGGGG
0x6D, // 5 0110 1101 E c
0x7D, // 6 0111 1101 E C
0x07, // 7 0000 0111 E C
0x7F, // 8 0111 1111 DDDDD
0x6F, // 9 0110 1111 DP
0x77, // A 01110111 see seven segment pattern map
0x7C, // B 01111100
0x39, // C 00111001
0x5E, // D 01011110
0x79, // E 01111001
0x71 // F 01110001
byte timeDelay = 5; // multiplexing time between digits
int count = 0; // count will be displayed on the 7-seg digits *volatile?
byte num0 = 0; // value of 1000 digit
byte num1 = 0; // value of 100 digit
byte num2 = 0; // value of 10 digit
byte num3 = 0; // value of 1 digit
bool prntFlag = false; // set true for serial output of running variables
// note: must comment out timer calls and interrupts
// and addback the for loop to check variables
void setup() {
// set digit pins as outpuy
for (byte j = 0; j < sizeof(SEG_ARRAY); j++) {
pinMode (SEG_ARRAY[j], OUTPUT); // default state is LOW
// set segment pins as input_pullups (with internal current limit resistors)
for (byte j = 0; j < sizeof(DIGIT_ARRAY); j++) {
// default stateu is HIGH
//timing routines - comment out for stub testing
Timer1.initialize(1000000); // set timer for 1e6 microsecons or 1 second
Timer1.attachInterrupt(add); // attach the timer ISR
void loop() {
//for (count = 0; count < 20; count++) { // test stub loop just to see if picking digits and segments correctly
if (prntFlag) {
Serial.print("count = ");
clearLEDs(); // clear display
num0 = (count / (16*16*16)); // get value of 16*16*16 digit
pickDigit(0); // High-ing digit d1
pickNumber( num0 );
delay(timeDelay); // short delay to avoid flicker
clearLEDs(); // clear display
num1 = (count % 16) / (16*16); // get value of 16*16 digit
pickDigit(1); // High-ing digit d2
pickNumber( num1 );
delay(timeDelay); // short delay to avoid flicker
clearLEDs(); // clear display
num2 = (count % (16*16)) / 16; // get value of 16 digit
pickDigit(2); // High-ing digit d3
pickNumber( num2 );
delay(timeDelay); // short delay to avoid flicker
clearLEDs(); // clear display
num3 = (count % 16 ); // get value of unit digit
pickDigit(3); // High-ing digit d4
pickNumber( num3 ) ;
delay(timeDelay); // short delay to avoid flicker
// repeat sequence on same count until ISR increments count
//delay(1000); // delay to read the output
//} end of for loop
void clearLEDs() { // clear the 7-segment display
// set digital pins LOW
for (byte j = 0; j < sizeof(SEG_ARRAY); j++) {
digitalWrite (SEG_ARRAY[j], LOW); // to 0 v (no voltage to anode (+) of led diodes)
// set segment pins HIGH
for (byte j = 0; j < sizeof(DIGIT_ARRAY); j++) {
digitalWrite (DIGIT_ARRAY[j], HIGH); // to 5 v (high voltage to cathode (-) of led diode)
void pickDigit( byte digitIndex) { // picks the digit to drop LOW for current flow
digitalWrite( DIGIT_ARRAY [digitIndex], LOW);
// this is for diagnostics
if (prntFlag) {
Serial.print("Digit= ");
Serial.print(" ");
if (digitIndex == 0) {
Serial.println("---"); // 1000
else if (digitIndex == 1) { // 100
else if (digitIndex == 2) { // 10
else if (digitIndex == 3) { // 1
Serial.print(" ---");
else {
Serial.println(" error in pickDigit");
void pickNumber(byte patternIndex) { // picks the number pattern to display (1=HIGH, 0 = LOW)
// use this order - most to least signif digit = .gfedcba
if (prntFlag) {
Serial.print(" Pattern = ");
Serial.println(PATTERN[patternIndex], BIN);
prntBits(PATTERN[patternIndex]); // prints bit pattern bit by bit
digitalWrite( a, bitRead( PATTERN[patternIndex], 0)) ; // picks the 0th bit of PATTERN[picked]
digitalWrite( b, bitRead( PATTERN[patternIndex], 1)) ; // picks the 1st bit of PATTERN[picked]
digitalWrite( c, bitRead( PATTERN[patternIndex], 2)) ; // picks the 2nd bit of PATTERN[picked]
digitalWrite( d, bitRead( PATTERN[patternIndex], 3)) ; // picks the 3rd bit of PATTERN[picked]
digitalWrite( e, bitRead( PATTERN[patternIndex], 4)) ; // picks the 4th bit of PATTERN[picked]
digitalWrite( f, bitRead( PATTERN[patternIndex], 5)) ; // picks the 5th bit of PATTERN[picked]
digitalWrite( g, bitRead( PATTERN[patternIndex], 6)) ; // picks the 6th bit of PATTERN[picked]
digitalWrite( dp, bitRead( PATTERN[patternIndex], 7)) ; // picks the 7th bit of PATTERN[picked]
// ISR for 1 second timer
void add () {
// increment counter
// check if out of range
if (count >= 10000) {
count = 0;
// this function prints the bit pattern bit by bit
void prntBits(byte b)
Serial.println(" .gfe dcba");
Serial.print(" ");
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) // descending increments
Serial.print(bitRead(b, i));
if (i % 4 == 0) Serial.print(" "); // put a blank between bytes for readability