// This example and code is in the public domain and may be used without restriction and
// without warranty.
// Exmple sketch - Button Switch Using An External Interrupt
// '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
// This sketch demonstrates the use of a simple button switch which is processed by
// an external interrupt process. It presents a very different and alternative approach
// for associating a button switch to an interrupt.
// The sketch is designed such that button status is only flagged as 'switched' AFTER
// 1. button is pressed AND then released, AND
// 2. elapse of the debounce period AFTER release
// Note that the associated button interrupt handler function and the button_read()
// function work together - the interrupt handler starts the on/off process and the
// button_read() function completes/concludes it. The interrupt handler can only restart AFTER
// button reading and debounce is complete. This ensures that only one interrupt trigger is
// processed at a time.
// The button switch is wired in a standard configuration with a 10K ohm pull down resister which
// ensures the digital interrupt pin is kept LOW until the button switch is pressed and
// raises it to HIGH (+5v).
// Operation of the button is demonstrated by toggling the in built LED on and off.
#define LED LED_BUILTIN // digital pin connected to LED, for testing of switch code only
bool led_status = LOW; // start with LED off, for testing of switch code only
int button_switch = 2; // external interrupt pin
#define switched true // value if the button switch has been pressed
#define triggered true // controls interrupt handler
#define interrupt_trigger_type RISING // interrupt triggered on a RISING input
#define debounce 20 // time to wait in milli secs
volatile bool interrupt_process_status = {
!triggered // start with no switch press pending, ie false (!triggered)
bool initialisation_complete = false; // inhibit any interrupts until initialisation is complete
// ISR for handling interrupt triggers arising from associated button switch
void button_interrupt_handler()
if (initialisation_complete == true)
{ // all variables are initialised so we are okay to continue to process this interrupt
if (interrupt_process_status == !triggered) {
// new interrupt so okay start a new button read process -
// now need to wait for button release plus debounce period to elapse
// this will be done in the button_read function
if (digitalRead(button_switch) == HIGH) {
// button pressed, so we can start the read on/off + debounce cycle wich will
// be completed by the button_read() function.
interrupt_process_status = triggered; // keep this ISR 'quiet' until button read fully completed
} // end of button_interrupt_handler
bool read_button() {
int button_reading;
// static variables because we need to retain old values between function calls
static bool switching_pending = false;
static long int elapse_timer;
if (interrupt_process_status == triggered) {
// interrupt has been raised on this button so now need to complete
// the button read process, ie wait until it has been released
// and debounce time elapsed
button_reading = digitalRead(button_switch);
if (button_reading == HIGH) {
// switch is pressed, so start/restart wait for button relealse, plus end of debounce process
switching_pending = true;
elapse_timer = millis(); // start elapse timing for debounce checking
if (switching_pending && button_reading == LOW) {
// switch was pressed, now released, so check if debounce time elapsed
if (millis() - elapse_timer >= debounce) {
// dounce time elapsed, so switch press cycle complete
switching_pending = false; // reset for next button press interrupt cycle
interrupt_process_status = !triggered; // reopen ISR for business now button on/off/debounce cycle complete
return switched; // advise that switch has been pressed
return !switched; // either no press request or debounce period not elapsed
} // end of read_button function
void setup() {
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(button_switch, INPUT);
initialisation_complete = true; // open interrupt processing for business
} // end of setup function
void loop() {
// test buton switch and process if pressed
if (read_button() == switched) {
// button on/off cycle now complete, so flip LED between HIGH and LOW
led_status = HIGH - led_status; // toggle state
digitalWrite(LED, led_status);
} else {
// do other things....