Problem 2: H-Bridge
An H-Bridge is a rudamentary method for controlling DC motors. You can find out more
about them here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H-bridge
On the right you'll see 3 buttons. The green button is forward, the blue button is backward,
and the red button is stop
//Declare Variabls
#define FWD 2
#define BCK 3
#define FWD_BUTTON 8
#define BCK_BUTTON 10
#define STOP_BUTTON 9
//Direction stores the current direction of the H bridge
//Forward = 1
//Stopped = 0
//Backward = -1
int direction = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(FWD, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BCK, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
//First, read the buttons and determine what direction we should go in
//If no button is pressed, then just stay in the current direction
//You could also just put the direction code from below in here, but
//Having a flag to indicate direction is very useful for complex projects
if (digitalRead(STOP_BUTTON) == LOW) {
direction = 0;
digitalWrite(FWD, LOW);
digitalWrite(BCK, LOW);
else if (digitalRead(FWD_BUTTON) == LOW) {
direction = 1;
digitalWrite(FWD, HIGH);
digitalWrite(BCK, LOW);
else if (digitalRead(BCK_BUTTON) == LOW) {
direction = -1;
digitalWrite(FWD, LOW);
digitalWrite(BCK, HIGH);