 Name:		VFOWithAnalogDial_VS.ino
 Created:	9/24/2022 10:36:25 AM
 Author:	Huzefa


   VFO System for ESP32-DevKitC  Ver 1.00

        by T.Uebo / JF3HZB

          Feb. 10, 2019


/*------Hard ware Configuration ---------------------
pin No.  Connection
  17 :  Rotary Encoder A
  16 :  Rotary Encoder B

  22 :  si5351A SCL
  21 :  si5351A SDA

  18 :  SCK    / ST7735,SEPS525(128x160 display)
  23 :  MOSI   / ST7735,SEPS525(128x160 display)
   5 :  CS     / ST7735,SEPS525(128x160 display)
   2 :  DC(A0) / ST7735,SEPS525(128x160 display)
  15 :  RESET  / ST7735,SEPS525(128x160 display)

CLK0 : Car Signal (I)
CLK1 : Car Signal (Q)
CLK2 : Lo Signal

   Frequency settings
#define init_freq 7100000      // Initial Frequncy[Hz]
int32_t offset_frq = 8998500;  // Offset Frequency[Hz]
int32_t car_frq = 8998500;     // Carrier Frequncy[Hz]
unsigned char f_carON = 1;     // ON/OFF Car signal

#define fmax 150000000         // Max frequency[Hz]
#define fmin 100000            // Min frequency[Hz]
#define freq_step 10           // step[Hz]

    Control flags
uint8_t f_fchange;  // if frequency changed, set this flag to 1
uint8_t f_cchange;  // if Car frequency and/or "f_carON" changed, set this flag to 1
uint8_t f_dchange;  // if need to renew display, set this flag to 1

   pin assign
//#define LED_BUILTIN 13

#define PULSE_INPUT_PIN 16 // Rotaty Encoder A
#define PULSE_CTRL_PIN 17  // Rotaty Encoder B

#define NAME "VFO System"
#define VERSION "Ver. 1.00"
#define ID "by JF3HZB"

#include "driver/pcnt.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "graph.h"
#include "dial.h"
#include "si5351.h"

 *       Global
float dacc = 0.0;
float Maxdacc = 500.0;
long frq = init_freq;
int16_t RE_Count = 0;
uint8_t f_redraw;
extern char f_rev;
extern uint32_t cl_BG;

        Timer ISR
hw_timer_t* timer = NULL;
void IRAM_ATTR onTimer() {}

void setup() {
    char str[64];
    //--------- create tasks on core0 --------------------------------
    xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(task0, "Task0", 4096, NULL, 1, NULL, 0);

    //--------- Set up Interrupt Timer -------------------------------
    timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true); //use Timer0, div80 for 1us clock
    timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &onTimer, true);
    timerAlarmWrite(timer, 10000, true); // T=10000us
    timerAlarmEnable(timer); // Start Timer

    //pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);   //LED

    //--- Counter setup for Rotary Encoder ---------------------
    pcnt_config_t pcnt_config_A;// structure for A   
    pcnt_config_t pcnt_config_B;// structure for B
    pcnt_config_A.pulse_gpio_num = PULSE_INPUT_PIN;
    pcnt_config_A.ctrl_gpio_num = PULSE_CTRL_PIN;
    pcnt_config_A.lctrl_mode = PCNT_MODE_REVERSE;
    pcnt_config_A.hctrl_mode = PCNT_MODE_KEEP;
    pcnt_config_A.channel = PCNT_CHANNEL_0;
    pcnt_config_A.unit = PCNT_UNIT_0;
    pcnt_config_A.pos_mode = PCNT_COUNT_INC;
    pcnt_config_A.neg_mode = PCNT_COUNT_DEC;
    pcnt_config_A.counter_h_lim = 10000;
    pcnt_config_A.counter_l_lim = -10000;
    pcnt_config_B.pulse_gpio_num = PULSE_CTRL_PIN;
    pcnt_config_B.ctrl_gpio_num = PULSE_INPUT_PIN;
    pcnt_config_B.lctrl_mode = PCNT_MODE_KEEP;
    pcnt_config_B.hctrl_mode = PCNT_MODE_REVERSE;
    pcnt_config_B.channel = PCNT_CHANNEL_1;
    pcnt_config_B.unit = PCNT_UNIT_0;
    pcnt_config_B.pos_mode = PCNT_COUNT_INC;
    pcnt_config_B.neg_mode = PCNT_COUNT_DEC;
    pcnt_config_B.counter_h_lim = 10000;
    pcnt_config_B.counter_l_lim = -10000;
    pcnt_unit_config(&pcnt_config_A);//Initialize A
    pcnt_unit_config(&pcnt_config_B);//Initialize B
    pcnt_counter_resume(PCNT_UNIT_0); //Start

    sprintf(str, NAME); disp_str16(str, 20, 90, 0x00ffff);
    sprintf(str, VERSION); disp_str12(str, 36, 50, 0x00ffff);
    sprintf(str, ID); disp_str8(str, 50, 20, 0x00ffff);
    f_redraw = 1;



    f_fchange = 1;
    f_cchange = 1;
    f_dchange = 1;
    f_redraw = 0;

void loop() {    // (core1)
    char str[64];

    if (f_dchange == 1) {
        f_dchange = 0;
        boxfill(0, 0, Nx - 1, Ny - 1, cl_BG);
        //Display Dial

        box(7, 100, 153, 126, 0xa0a0a0);
        box(6, 99, 154, 127, 0xa0a0a0);

        //-------- Display Digital Frquency ---------------------------------------
        sprintf(str, "%3d.%03d,%02d", frq / 1000000, (frq / 1000) % 1000, (frq / 10) % 100);
        disp_str16(str, 17, 105, 0xffd080);
        sprintf(str, "MHz");
        disp_str12(str, 120, 106, 0xffd080);

        if (f_redraw == 0) {
            f_redraw = 1;

    //digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 1^digitalRead(LED_BUILTIN) ); //  Toggle LED     

        Alternative Loop (core0)
void task0(void* arg)
    while (1)
        pcnt_get_counter_value(PCNT_UNIT_0, &RE_Count);
        int count = RE_Count;

        if (f_rev == 1) count = -count;

        if (count != 0) {
            f_dchange = 1;
            f_fchange = 1;
            frq += count * freq_step;
            if (frq > fmax) frq = fmax;
            if (frq < fmin) frq = fmin;

        if (f_fchange == 1) {
            f_fchange = 0;
            // Output Lo freq
            set_freq(frq + offset_frq);

        if (f_cchange == 1) {
            f_cchange = 0;
            // Output Car freq            
            set_car_freq(car_frq, f_carON, 0);

        if (f_redraw == 1) {
            f_redraw = 0;
