# pico_sieve.py
# Raspberry Pi Pico - Sieve of Eratosthenes demo
# Calculate all the prime numbers within a range of low integers. Note that
# this is purely computational; nothing depends specifically on CircuitPython,
# and this works fine in a normal desktop Python 3 as well.
import time,gc
SIZE = 180_000
# Capture an initial time stamp to compute runtime.
start = time.ticks_ms()
# Array of boolean flags, one per integer. A True represents a possible prime number,
# a False a composite number.
flags = bytearray(SIZE)
# Walk up through the array, identifying all prime numbers and removing their
# multiples from the set of integers by setting the corresponding flag to False.
def check(size:int):
for i in range(2, size):
if int(f[i]) == 0:
# this value is a prime, now remove all the multiples from the set
multiple = 2 * i
while multiple < size: #SIZE:
f[multiple] = 1
multiple += i
# Capture an final time stamp to compute runtime.
end = time.ticks_ms()
# Any remaining True values are prime
print("Prime numbers:")
for i in range(2, SIZE):
if flags[i] == 0:
print("Sieve running time:", (end - start)/1000, "seconds.")