/*SwitchManager skeleton 
 Switch with debounce switch case and Limit Counter
 This sketch is to introduce new people to the SwitchManager library written by
 Nick Gammon
 The library handles switch de-bouncing and provides timing and state 
 change information in your sketch.

 The SwitchManager.h file should be placed in your libraries folder, i.e.
 You can download the library at:
 http://gammon.com.au/Arduino/SwitchManager.zip    Thank you Nick!
 In this example we have 2 normally open (N.O.) switches connected to the Arduino 
 - increment and decrement.
 The increment switch will also be used as a "Reset" switch if pressed for more than 
 two seconds.
 The two switches are connected between GND (0 volts) and an Arduino input pin.
 The library enables pull-up resistors for your switch inputs.
 Pushing a switch makes its pin LOW. Releasing a switch makes its pin HIGH.
 The SwitchManager library provides 10ms de-bounce for switches. 
 i.e. enum { debounceTime = 10, noSwitch = -1 };
 If you need more time, edit the SwitchManager.h file
 i.e. enum { debounceTime = 50, noSwitch = -1 }; //here it is changed to 50ms

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4);
#include <SwitchManager.h>             
//object instantiations
SwitchManager myIncSwitch;
SwitchManager myDecSwitch;

unsigned long currentMillis;

unsigned long heartBeatMillis;
unsigned long heartFlashRate  = 500UL; // time the led will change state       

unsigned long incShortPress   = 500UL; // 1/2 second
unsigned long incLongPress    = 2000UL;// 2 seconds 
unsigned long decShortPress   = 500UL; // 1/2 second

const byte heartBeatLED       = 13;
const byte incSwitch          = 4; //increment switch is on Arduino pin 4
const byte decSwitch          = 5; //decrement switch is on Arduino pin 5

int myCounter;


void setup()

  lcd.setCursor(1, 0);
  lcd.print("Hello, Wokwi!");

  //gives a visual indication if the sketch is blocking
  pinMode(heartBeatLED, OUTPUT);  

  myIncSwitch.begin (incSwitch, handleSwitchPresses); 
  myDecSwitch.begin (decSwitch, handleSwitchPresses);
  //the handleSwitchPresses() function is called when a switch changes state

} //                   E N D  o f  s e t u p ( )


void loop()
  //leave this line of code at the top of loop()
  currentMillis = millis();

  //some code to see if the sketch is blocking
  if (CheckTime(heartBeatMillis, heartFlashRate, true))
    //toggle the heartBeatLED

  //check to see what's happening with the switches
  //"Do not use delay()s" in your sketch as it will make switch changes unresponsive 
  //Use BlinkWithoutDelay (BWD) techniques instead.
  myIncSwitch.check ();  
  myDecSwitch.check (); 

  //put other non-blocking stuff here

} //                      E N D  o f  l o o p ( )

//                          F U N C T I O N S

//                        C h e c k T i m e ( ) 
//Delay time expired function
//lastMillis = time we started
//wait = delay in ms
//restart = do we start timing again  

boolean CheckTime(unsigned long  & lastMillis, unsigned long wait, boolean restart) 
  //has time expired for this task?
  if (currentMillis - lastMillis >= wait) 
    //should this start again? 
      //yes, get ready for the next iteration
      lastMillis += wait;  
    return true; //the timer has timed out
  return false;  //the timer has not timed out

} //                 E N D   o f   C h e c k T i m e ( )

//                h a n d l e S w i t c h P r e s s e s( )

void handleSwitchPresses(const byte newState, const unsigned long interval, const byte whichPin)
  //You get here 'ONLY' if there has been a change in a switches state.

  //when a switch has changed state, SwitchManager passes this function 3 arguments:
  //"newState" this will be HIGH or LOW. This is the state the switch is in now.
  //"interval" the number of milliseconds the switch stayed in the previous state
  //"whichPin" is the switch pin that we are examining  

  switch (whichPin)
    //are we dealing with this switch?
  case incSwitch: 

    //has this switch gone from LOW to HIGH (gone from pressed to not pressed)
    //this happens with normally open switches wired as mentioned at the top of this sketch
    if (newState == HIGH)
      //The incSwitch was just released
      //was this a short press followed by a switch release
      if(interval <= incShortPress) 
        Serial.print("My counter value is = ");
        if(myCounter > 1000)
          //limit the counter to a maximum of 1000
          myCounter = 1000; 

      //was this a long press followed by a switch release
      else if(interval >= incLongPress) 
        //we could also have an upper limit
        //if incLongMillis was 2000UL; we could then have a window between 2-3 seconds
        //else if(interval >= incLongMillis && interval <= incLongMillis + 1000UL) 
        //This could be used to change states in a StateMachine
        //We could increment the mycounter by 10 etc.
        //in this example however, we will just RESET myCounter
        myCounter = 0;
        Serial.print("My counter value is now RESET = ");

    //if the switch is a normally closed (N.C.) and opens on a press this section would be used
    //the switch must have gone from HIGH to LOW 
      Serial.println("The incSwitch was just pushed");

    break; //End of case incSwitch

    //are we dealing with this switch?
  case decSwitch: 

    //has this switch gone from LOW to HIGH (gone from pressed to not pressed)
    //this happens with normally open switches wired as mentioned at the top of this sketch
    if (newState == HIGH)
      //The decSwitch was just released
      //was this a short press followed by a switch release
      if(interval <= decShortPress) 
        Serial.print("My counter value is = ");
        if(myCounter < 0) 
          //don't go below zero
          myCounter = 0;

    //if the switch is a normally closed (N.C.) and opens on a press this section would be used
    //the switch must have gone from HIGH to LOW
      Serial.println("The decSwitch switch was just pushed");

    break; //End of case decSwitch

    //Put default stuff here
    //break; //END of default

  } //End of switch (whichPin)

} //      E n d   o f   h a n d l e S w i t c h P r e s s e s ( )

//                      E N D  O F  C O D E