//! # Hardware Check
//! This `libstd` program is for the ESP32-C3-DevKitC-02 board.
// aaa
// Logging macros
use log::*;
// And alias for our Board Support Crate
use esp32_c3_dkc02_bsc as bsc;

// If using the `binstart` feature of `esp-idf-sys`, always keep this module imported
use esp_idf_sys as _;

/// This configuration is picked up at compile time by `build.rs` from the
/// file `cfg.toml`.
pub struct Config {
    wifi_ssid: &'static str,
    wifi_psk: &'static str,

/// Entry point to our application.
/// It sets up a Wi-Fi connection to the Access Point given in the
/// configuration, then blinks the RGB LED green/blue.
/// If the LED goes solid red, then it was unable to connect to your Wi-Fi
/// network.
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    use bsc::led::RGB8;


    println!("Hello, world!");

    // Start the LED off yellow
    let mut led = bsc::led::WS2812RMT::new()?;
    led.set_pixel(RGB8::new(50, 50, 0))?;

    // The constant `CONFIG` is auto-generated by `toml_config`.
    let app_config = CONFIG;

    // Connect to the Wi-Fi network
    let _wifi = match bsc::wifi::wifi(app_config.wifi_ssid, app_config.wifi_psk) {
        Ok(inner) => inner,
        Err(err) => {
            // Red!
            led.set_pixel(RGB8::new(50, 0, 0))?;
            anyhow::bail!("could not connect to Wi-Fi network: {:?}", err)

    loop {
        // Blue!
        led.set_pixel(RGB8::new(0, 0, 50))?;
        // Wait...
        info!("Hello, world!");

        // Green!
        led.set_pixel(RGB8::new(0, 50, 0))?;
        // Wait...