//Quiz 1 Pertemuan ke-4

#include <DHTesp.h>;

#define DHTPIN 15
const int pinLED = 23;
const float batasan = 40.00;

DHTesp dht;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  Serial.println("Hello, ESP32!");

  dht.setup(DHTPIN, DHTesp::DHT22);

pinMode(pinLED, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  TempAndHumidity data = dht.getTempAndHumidity();
  float temp = data.temperature;
  float hum = data.temperature;
 Serial.println(" Suhu Saat ini   " + String(temp,2));
 Serial.println("Batas Suhu  " + String(batasan));
  if(temp > batasan ){
     digitalWrite(pinLED, HIGH);
     delay(1000); // this speeds up the simulation
     digitalWrite(pinLED, LOW);
     delay(1000); // this speeds up the simulation
     Serial.println("Normal Suhu Saat Ini " + String(temp,2));

  delay(5000); // this speeds up the simulation
