//This arduino sketch blinks red one press, green the next, then blue the next
//With a second button, the sequence is reversed

//Note that in this software the RGB LED has a common "anode",
//meaning the common pin goes to positive rather than negative.
//In this case HIGH turns the LED off and LOW turns it on
//In your kits, the RGB LED is common "cathode", meaning
//the common pin goes to negative (GND pin). 

//This is the same sketch as before, but we are going to use variables
//in order to make it more readable.

//Here we declare the variables:
int red = 5;
int green = 6;
int blue = 7;

int button_forward = 2;
int button_backward = 3;

//For this sketch, we are going to blink a different color every time
//the button is pressed. In order to do this, we need to store the number of
//the LED pin we want to blink next. We can do this with a variable!

int color_to_blink = 5;   //We start at 5 because that's red

void setup() {
  pinMode(red, OUTPUT); //Instead of using numbers to refer to the LED pins,
  pinMode(green, OUTPUT); //We use the variables we just declared
  pinMode(blue, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(red, HIGH);  //Turn the LEDs off to start with
  digitalWrite(green, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(blue, HIGH);

  pinMode(button_forward, INPUT_PULLUP); //The button is attached to pin 2, so we set pin 2 as input
  pinMode(button_backward, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop() {

  if(digitalRead(button_forward) == LOW)   //If the button is pushed:
    color_to_blink = color_to_blink + 1;  //We are setting color_to_blink equal to itself plus 1
    if(color_to_blink == 8) //If it equals 8, reset it to 5 for red
      color_to_blink = 5;   //This line sets color_to_blink to 5 for the red LED

    digitalWrite(color_to_blink, LOW);     //Turn current color LED on
    delay(300);               //Wait 300ms
    digitalWrite(color_to_blink, HIGH);    //Turn current color LED off

  //Now we do the same thing but in reverse:
  if(digitalRead(button_backward) == LOW)   //If the button is pushed:
    color_to_blink = color_to_blink - 1;  //We are setting color_to_blink equal to itself minus 1
    if(color_to_blink == 4) //If it equals 4, we have gone too low
      color_to_blink = 7;   //This line sets color_to_blink to 7 for the blue LED

    digitalWrite(color_to_blink, LOW);     //Turn current color LED on
    delay(300);               //Wait 300ms
    digitalWrite(color_to_blink, HIGH);    //Turn current color LED off
