   AutoType Keyboard for the Raspberry PICO

   NOTE: WOKWI sketch uses the serial port instead of Keyboard.

  PICO pins:-


   Use links / slide switches to select a feature
   GP2  - SEND \N       - send ENTER, it de-focused the input area, so allow it to be disabled.
   GP6  - SLOW          - strap low for faster typing
   GP9  - HALT - The Pico can be reprogrammed using BOOTSEL, so this is not essential
   GP10 - TYPING_IDLE   - assert low when typing, Only start typing if high.

   I needed to automate typing a conversation, between two people over an App like a Chat Bot session.
   The App needed a slow stream of repeatable text to soak test it and fill up scroll buffers, over many minutes.
   It needed a trickle of characters as if typed on the App's keyboard(s).

   I can plug in an external keyboard at each end.
   The Arduino IDE has Keyboard examples.

   Raspberry PICO were available from Farnell for about 6 GBP.
   There are examples using them as USB Keyboards.

   It is impractical to read the display, but a wire can be used between two of these devices, so they can type in turn.

   Typically, Person A: types to Person B: and B: types back.

   Raspberry PICO were available from Farnell for about 6 GBP.
   There are examples using them as USB Keyboards.

   See: http://ccgi.dougrice.plus.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?AutoType

   It is easy to get the Arduino IDE to work.


   Add Arduino "MBED OS RP2040 boards"
   Based on Keyboard example
   With "Arduino MBED OS RP2040 Boards 3.3.0" installed you can generate .uf2 files for upload to the PICO


  #include "PluggableUSBHID.h"
  #include "USBKeyboard.h"

  USBKeyboard Keyboard;
  void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  Keyboard.printf("Hello world\n\r");

   SEC: 1.0 -  Design Brainstorm and thoughts:-
  I needed to automate typing a conversation, between two people over an App like a Chat Bot session.

  The App needed a slow stream of repeatable text to soak test it and fill up scroll buffers, over many minutes.

  It needed a trickle of characters as if typed on the App's keyboard(s).

  I can plug an external keyboard at each end, which could be two of these PICOs. This is not essential.
  It is impracticle to read the display, but a wire can be used between two of these devices, so they can type in turn.

  Typically, Person A: types to Person B: and B: types back.

    A:   | typing |GA| waiting   | typing    |GA| waiting   | typing
    B:   | waiting   | typing |GA| waiting      | typing |GA| waiting

    A: types pressing keys on a keyboard, at up to 10 characters a second or slower
    A: hands over to B: by sending "GA" to Go Ahead, then waits
    B: reads the typing and can type but should wait until A: stops typing, before starting.
    B: types and A: waits til B: stops.

    Typing on a smart phone soft keyboard is slower.

    some devices display both conversations in a single line of text, making it difficult to read.

   Use a one PIN Wired Or BUS wire to communicate between two of these PICOs.

     Assert Low when Typing,
     Stop typing when "\n" found - Users send GA for Go Ahead
     Wait for it to go high, before sarting to type.

             pull up
   -----+-----+-----+----------+--- Wired OR buss - Assert low when typing.
        |           |          |
      [ A ]       [ B ]     [ SW ]

     [ A ] and [ B ] Wait for high to start typing and assert a low

     [SW] is a switch which can pull low to inhibit typing.
     on start up hold off typing.

   When waiting look for ----____ before starting typing.


   SEC: 1.0 - Configuration
// there was a bug with the SmartPhone App
// Pressing ENTER looses focus, so suppress ENTER
// select if "\n" presses ENTER key
#define nNOENTER true
#define NOENTER false

   This code can use a Raspberry PICO or RP2
   Arduino IDE Tools configuration

    Board: Raspberry Pi Pico
    Programmer: N/A - ensure  bootsel button is pressed when you plug in PICO
  #include "PluggableUSBHID.h"
  #include "USBKeyboard.h"

  USBKeyboard Keyboard;
#define HALT 9
#define TYPING 10
  PICO pins:-


/* Use links to select a feature
   GP2  - SEND \N       - send ENTER, it de-focused the input area, so allow it to be disabled.
   GP6  - SLOW          - strap low for faster typing
   GP9  - HALT - The Pico can be reprogrammed using BOOTSEL, so this is not essential
   GP10 - TYPING_IDLE   - assert low when typing



     This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call.
       Please hang up the B-leg
         I am testing  the new Relay UK app
           Hello Doug here
             Can   you see my typing?     The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog     I am testing the    new Relay UK app
               ts: 107 seconds   This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call.
                 Please hang up the B-leg
                   I am testing  the new Relay UK app
                     Hello Doug here


   SEC: 2.0 - Typing Text

#define PHONE
/* Phone User typing - The \n indicate end of sentence.*/
#ifdef PHONE
int phone = true;

// send space followed by a space.
// The phone looses focus when the  ENTER key is pressed.
// It buffers text and waits for a pause. send some single spaces or double spaces.
// A user could send GA to hand over to the other End
// A \n is used to signal end of typing.

char myString[] = "  This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call.\n "
                  " Please hang up the B-leg \n "
                  " I am testing  the new Relay UK app  \n "
                  " Hello Doug here  \n "
                  " Can   you see my typing?  \n "
                  " The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog  \n "
                  " I am testing the    new Relay UK app \n "
                  //" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! £ $ % ^ & * ( ) _- + = { } [ ] ~ # : ; @ ' < > , . / ?"

int phone = false;
/* Agent typing - The \n indicate end of sentence. */
char myString[] = " Welcome  to Chit  Chat UK   \n "
                  " Please  type your  name?   \n  "
                  " You are talking  to Jack  \n "
                  " How May I help you today  \n "
                  " Okay I   will type  back?   \n  "
                  " The Quick  brown  fox jumps  over the  lazy dog  \n "
                  " Hello  Caller the  other party has cleared.  \n "
                  " \n ";


   SEC: 3.0 - Variables

int slowSpeed = true;
int waiting = true;

// the following variables are unsigned longs because the time, measured in
// milliseconds, will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.
unsigned long lastTs = 0;  // the last timestamp

char * ptr;

   SEC: 4.0 - Functions

void setup() {

  // don't need to set anything up to use DigiKeyboard
  ptr = myString;

  pinMode(  2, INPUT_PULLUP );
  pinMode(  6, INPUT_PULLUP );
  //pinMode(  9, INPUT_PULLUP );
  //pinMode( 10, INPUT_PULLUP );

  pinMode( HALT, INPUT_PULLUP );
  pinMode( TYPING, INPUT_PULLUP );  // used for WiredOR

  waiting = true;
  Serial1.println(" hello , Use slide switches to select features\n");
  Serial1.println(" use CRLRF, speed, typing\n");


void polledTimeSlice() {
  unsigned long now = millis();  // the last timestamp

  // using unsigned so be caureful.
  if ( now - lastTs > 300 ) {
    // 0.1 second tick
    lastTs = now;

    // payload - run every 300 ticks.

    // if typing TYPING asserted Low, wait for it to go high
    // If input goes low turn off waiting
    //if ( ! digitalRead( IP ) ){
    if ( digitalRead( TYPING ) ) {
      waiting = false;

void LED( int on ) {
  /* IF on == TRUE then Typing. Assest TYPING LOW using Wired OR */

  if ( on ) {
    pinMode( LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT );
    pinMode( TYPING, OUTPUT );
    // Wired OR
    digitalWrite( LED_BUILTIN, on );
    digitalWrite( TYPING, LOW );
  } else {
    pinMode( LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT );
    // to turn on a PULLUP make pin input
    pinMode( TYPING, INPUT_PULLUP );
    digitalWrite( LED_BUILTIN, on );

   SEC: 5.0 - Functions -  delay

void delay_( unsigned long ms ) {
  delay( ms );

void wait() {
  // pick a random delay and square it to make it more like real typing?
  //delay(random( 0, TYPING_INTER_KEY_DELAY )*random( 0, TYPING_INTER_KEY_DELAY ));
  if ( digitalRead( 6 ) == 1 ) {
    delay( random( 50, 250 ) );
  } else {
    delay( random( 0, 100 ) );

void waitLong() {
  int count;
  delay( random( 1000, 2000 ) );

   SEC: 6.0 - Functions Increment  & Type Key

void incStringPtr() {
  unsigned long ts = 0;

  /* end of string return to start.*/
  ptr ++ ;

  // if space end of word.
  if ( ptr[0] == ' ') {

  if ( ptr[0] == '\0') {
    ptr = myString;
    if ( slowSpeed ) {
      slowSpeed = false;
    } else {
      slowSpeed = true;
    ts = millis();
      Keyboard.printf( "%s", " ts: " );
      Keyboard.printf( "%d", ts / 1000 );
      Keyboard.printf( "%s", " seconds " );

void typeKey( char letter ) {
  // enable typing in HALT is high in this version.
  if ( digitalRead( HALT ) ) {
    // this is generally not necessary but with some older systems it seems to
    // prevent missing the first character after a delay:
    // DigiKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(0);
    // if ( NOENTER && isControl( letter ) ) {
    // Read GP2 to select sending \n
    if ( isControl( letter ) && digitalRead( 2 ) ) {
      letter = ' ';
    //Keyboard.printf( "%c", letter );
    Serial1.print( letter );


   SEC: 7.0 - Functions Main Loop

void loop() {
  /* work through string and print character by character */
  /* check if input low and enable typing. */
  if ( waiting ) {

  // look for end of sentence,
  if ( isControl( ptr[0] ) ) {

    // turn off LED at end of sentence
    // This is used to tell other end as well.
    LED( LOW );

    // end of sentence turn os Waiting flag
    // so loop waits for other end to finish sentence.
    waiting = true;

    typeKey( ptr[0] );
  } else {
    LED( HIGH );

    /* type character */
    typeKey( ptr[0] );
    if ( slowSpeed ) {

  if ( isWhitespace( ptr[0] ) ) {

   SEC: 8.0 - Examples
  This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call.
    Please hang up the B-leg
      I am testing  the new Relay UK app
        Hello Doug here
          Can   you see my typing?
            The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
              I am testing the    new Relay UK app
                ts: 60 seconds   This is BeeTea Engineer, DHR, making a test call.
                  Please hang up the B-leg
                    I am testing  the new Relay UK app
                      Hello Doug here

   SEC: 9.0 - End