move Servos with rampup/rampdown speed
ramp done by time
by noiasca
2022-10-29 RampServo - https://wokwi.com/projects/346855291487257172 for https://forum.arduino.cc/t/problem-mit-der-servobewegung-bei-mobatools/1047250/11
2022-09-12 SmoothServo https://wokwi.com/projects/342593181270934099 for https://forum.arduino.cc/t/mehrere-servos-synchron-ansteuern/1030870/20
#include <Servo.h>
constexpr uint8_t openPin {4}; // GPIO for servo movement
constexpr uint8_t closePin {3}; // GPIO for another servo movement
constexpr uint8_t servoAPin {8}; // GPIO for servo A
constexpr uint8_t servoBPin {9}; // GPIO for servo B
// make your own class of servos
class RampServo
const uint8_t startInterval {10}; // slow speed for start
uint16_t target {90}; // target angle
uint16_t current {90}; // current angle
uint8_t interval {startInterval}; // delay time
uint32_t previousMillis {0}; // last movement
uint16_t minInterval {5}; // interval after rampUp/before ramp/down (=max Speed)
uint8_t rampUp{30}; // angle used for ramp up
uint8_t rampDown{10}; // angle used for ramp down
uint16_t angleStart{90}; // what was the start angle
Servo servo;
void begin(const byte pin)
servo.write(target); // bring the servo to a defined angle
void set(uint16_t target, uint16_t minInterval = 1)
this->target = target;
this->minInterval = minInterval;
angleStart = current;
interval = startInterval;
// ____
// ____/ \____
// u d
void update(uint32_t currentMillis = millis())
if (currentMillis - previousMillis > interval && current != target) // slow down the servos
previousMillis = currentMillis;
int16_t total = angleStart - target; // total way
int16_t remaining = current - target; // rest way
total = abs(total);
remaining = abs(remaining);
if (remaining < rampDown)
//Serial.println(F("ramp Down"));
if (interval < startInterval) interval++; //rampDown --> geschwidigkeit vermindern / interval erhöhen
else if (remaining > rampUp)
//Serial.println(F("ramp Up"));
if (interval > minInterval) interval--; //rampUp --> geschwindigkeit erhöhen/interval reduzieren
//Serial.print(F(" interval=")); Serial.println(interval);
if (target < current)
else if (target > current)
RampServo servoA; // create a servo object
RampServo servoB;
void setup()
servoA.begin(servoAPin); // start the servo object
pinMode(openPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(closePin, INPUT_PULLUP);
void doorOpen()
Serial.println(F("move open"));
servoA.set(0); // new angle
servoB.set(0, 2); // new angle, newInterval --> this servo is slower
//servoA.servo.write(90); // hardcoded write
void doorClose()
Serial.println(F("move close"));
servoB.set(180, 5);
void loop()
// read buttons, sensors...
if (digitalRead(openPin) == LOW) doorOpen();
if (digitalRead(closePin) == LOW) doorClose();
// call all servos
uint32_t currentMillis = millis();
servoA.update(currentMillis); // call the update method in loop