// https://forum.arduino.cc/t/execute-function-after-count/1057468
// https://wokwi.com/projects/349255255985226324
# define reject 2 // signals this item is a reject
void setup() {
Serial.println("conveyor belt world\n");
pinMode(reject, INPUT_PULLUP);
int currentPart;
# define FOUR 4 // steps from inspection to rejection
# define DWELL 1000 // time window for rejection
unsigned char tape[FOUR]; // circular buffer?
unsigned char writePosition;
unsigned char readPosition;
# define OK 0
# define REJECT 1
void loop() {
static unsigned long lastTime;
unsigned long now = millis();
// always check to see if we need to reject this part
if (digitalRead(reject) == LOW) {
if (tape[writePosition] != REJECT) {
Serial.print(" REJECT PART ");
tape[writePosition] = REJECT;
// run the rest of loop every DWELL ms
if (now - lastTime < DWELL) return;
lastTime = now;
Serial.print("now welcoming ");
writePosition++; if (writePosition >= FOUR) writePosition = 0;
readPosition = writePosition; // oldest on the tape
if (tape[readPosition] == REJECT) {
Serial.print(" rejecting ");
Serial.println(currentPart - FOUR);
tape[readPosition] = OK;