/*//             ---Have in mind---
 *This code is a first version for the reflow hot plate project.
 *Tutorial here: http://electronoobs.com/eng_arduino_tut161.php
 *Please be careful working with "High Voltage" and double check everything.
 *Only use this project with supervision, never leave it plugged.
 *You can use this code at your own risk. I don't offer any guarantee that you
 *will get the same results as I did and you might have to adjsut some PID values */

//*     RAM:    [===       ]  29.5 % (used  604 bytes from  2048 bytes)
//*     Flash : [===       ]  32.1 % (used 9864 bytes from 30720 bytes)

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <thermistor.h>              // miguel5612/ThermistorLibrary@^1.0.6
thermistor therm1(A0, 0);            // The 3950 Thermistor conencted on A0
// LCD config
#include <Wire.h>                              // Included by Arduino IDE
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>                 // marcoschwartz/LiquidCrystal_I2C@^1.1.4
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);            // Define LCD address as 0x27. Also try 0x3f if it doesn't work.

//* Inputs and Outputs
int but_1 = 12;
int but_2 = 11;
int but_3 = 10;
int but_4 = 9;
int SSR = 3;
int buzzer = 6;
int Thermistor_PIN = A0;

//* Variables
unsigned int millis_before, millis_before_2;            // We use these to create the loop refresh rate
unsigned int millis_now = 0;                            // use
float refresh_rate = 500;                               // LCD refresh rate. You can change this if you want
float pid_refresh_rate = 50;                            // PID Refresh rate
float seconds = 0;                                      // Variable used to store the elapsed time
int running_mode = 0;                                   // We store the running selected mode here
int selected_mode = 0;                                  // Selected mode for the menu
int max_modes = 3;                                      // For now, we only work with 1 mode...
bool but_3_state = true;                                // Store the state of the button (HIGH OR LOW)
bool but_4_state = true;                                // Store the state of the button (HIGH OR LOW)
float temperature = 0;                                  // Store the temperature value here
float preheat_setpoint = 140;                           // Mode 1 preheat ramp value is 140-150ºC
float soak_setpoint = 150;                              // Mode 1 soak is 150ºC for a few seconds
float reflow_setpoint = 200;                            // Mode 1 reflow peak is 200ºC
float temp_setpoint = 0;                                // Used for PID control
float pwm_value = 255;                                  // The SSR is OFF with HIGH, so 255 PWM would turn OFF the SSR
float MIN_PID_VALUE = 0;                                // min PID value
float MAX_PID_VALUE = 180;                              // Max PID value. You can change this.
float cooldown_temp = 40;                               // When is ok to touch the plate

//*             PID VARIABLES
float Kp = 2;                 // Mine was 2
float Ki = 0.0025;            // Mine was 0.0025
float Kd = 9;                 // Mine was 9
float PID_Output = 0;
float PID_P, PID_I, PID_D;

//*****         SETUP

void setup()
    // Define the pins as outputs or inputs
    pinMode(SSR, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(SSR, HIGH);            // Make sure we start with the SSR OFF (is off with HIGH)
    pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);
    pinMode(but_1, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(but_2, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(but_3, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(but_4, INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(Thermistor_PIN, INPUT);
    lcd.init();                   // Init the LCD
    lcd.noBacklight();            // Activate backlight
    tone(buzzer, 1800, 200);
    millis_before = millis();
    millis_now = millis();

//*****         LOOP

void loop()
    millis_now = millis();
    if (millis_now - millis_before_2 > pid_refresh_rate)
    {            // Refresh rate of the PID
        millis_before_2 = millis();

        temperature = therm1.analog2temp();

        if (running_mode == 1)
            if (temperature < preheat_setpoint)
                temp_setpoint = seconds * 1.666;            // Reach 150ºC till 90s (150/90=1.666)

            if (temperature > preheat_setpoint && seconds < 90)
                temp_setpoint = soak_setpoint;

            else if (seconds > 90 && seconds < 110)
                temp_setpoint = reflow_setpoint;

            // Calculate PID
            PID_ERROR = temp_setpoint - temperature;
            PID_P = Kp * PID_ERROR;
            PID_I = PID_I + (Ki * PID_ERROR);
            PID_D = Kd * (PID_ERROR - PREV_ERROR);
            PID_Output = PID_P + PID_I + PID_D;

            // Define maximun PID values
            if (PID_Output > MAX_PID_VALUE)
                PID_Output = MAX_PID_VALUE;
            else if (PID_Output < MIN_PID_VALUE)
                PID_Output = MIN_PID_VALUE;
            // Since the SSR is ON with LOW, we invert the pwm singal
            pwm_value = 255 - PID_Output;
            analogWrite(SSR, pwm_value);            // We change the Duty Cycle applied to the SSR
            PREV_ERROR = PID_ERROR;

            if (seconds > 130)
                digitalWrite(SSR, HIGH);            // With HIGH the SSR is OFF
                temp_setpoint = 0;// reset temp
                running_mode = 10;            // Cooldown mode
        }            // End of running_mode = 1

        // Mode 10 is between reflow and cooldown
        if (running_mode == 10)
            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            lcd.print("    COMPLETE    ");
            tone(buzzer, 1800, 1000);
            seconds = 0;            // Reset timer
            running_mode = 11;            // Mode 11 is cooldown. SSR is OFF
    }            // End of > millis_before_2 (Refresh rate of the PID code)

    millis_now = millis();
    if (millis_now - millis_before > refresh_rate)
    {            // Refresh rate of prntiong on the LCD
        millis_before = millis();
        seconds = seconds + (refresh_rate / 1000);            // We count time in seconds

        // Mode 0 is with SSR OFF (we can selcet mode with buttons)
        if (running_mode == 0)
            digitalWrite(SSR, HIGH);            // With HIGH the SSR is OFF
            lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
            lcd.print("T: ");
            lcd.print(temperature, 1);
            lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
            lcd.print("SSR OFF");
            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            if (selected_mode == 0)
                lcd.print("Select Mode");
            else if (selected_mode == 1)
                lcd.print("MODE 1");
            else if (selected_mode == 2)
                lcd.print("MODE 2");
            else if (selected_mode == 3)
                lcd.print("MODE 3");

        }            // End of running_mode = 0

        // Mode 11 is cooldown. SSR is OFF
        else if (running_mode == 11)
            if (temperature < cooldown_temp)
                running_mode = 0;
                tone(buzzer, 1000, 100);
            digitalWrite(SSR, HIGH);            // With HIGH the SSR is OFF
            lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
            lcd.print("T: ");
            lcd.print(temperature, 1);
            lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
            lcd.print("SSR OFF");

            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            lcd.print("    COOLDOWN    ");
        }            // end of mode 11 is cooldown. SSR is OFF

        // Mode 1 is the PID runnind with selected mode 1
        else if (running_mode == 1)
            lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
            lcd.print("T: ");
            lcd.print(temperature, 1);
            lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
            lcd.print("SSR ON");

            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            lcd.print(temp_setpoint, 0);
            lcd.setCursor(5, 1);
            lcd.print(pwm_value, 0);
            lcd.setCursor(12, 1);
            lcd.print(seconds, 0);
        }            // End of running_mode == 1

    ///////////////////////Button detection////////////////////////////
    if (!digitalRead(but_3) && but_3_state)
        but_3_state = false;
        tone(buzzer, 2300, 40);
        if (selected_mode > max_modes)
            selected_mode = 0;
    else if (digitalRead(but_3) && !but_3_state)
        but_3_state = true;

    if (!digitalRead(but_4) && but_4_state)
        if (running_mode == 1)
            digitalWrite(SSR, HIGH);            // With HIGH the SSR is OFF
            running_mode = 0;
            selected_mode = 0;
            tone(buzzer, 2500, 150);
            tone(buzzer, 2200, 150);
            tone(buzzer, 2000, 150);

        but_4_state = false;
        if (selected_mode == 0)
            running_mode = 0;
        else if (selected_mode == 1)
            running_mode = 1;
            tone(buzzer, 2000, 150);
            tone(buzzer, 2200, 150);
            tone(buzzer, 2400, 150);
            seconds = 0;            // Reset timer
    else if (digitalRead(but_4) && !but_4_state)
        but_4_state = true;