* OLED display Menu System - i2c version SSD1306 - 31Aug21
* https://github.com/alanesq/BasicOLEDMenu
oled pins: esp8266: sda=d2, scl=d1
esp32: sda=21, scl=22
Uno: sda=A4 , scl=A5
oled address = 3C
rotary encoder pins:
esp8266: d5, d6, d7 (button)
esp32: 13, 14, 15
Uno: 2, 3, 4
Note: on esp8266 you can change the button from d7 to d3 instead leaving d7 and d8 free to use
The sketch displays a menu on the oled and when an item is selected it sets a
flag and waits until the event is acted upon. Max menu items on a 128x64 oled
is four.
See the section "customise the menus below" for how to create custom menus inclusing selecting a value,
choose from a list or display a message.
for more oled info see: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/guide-for-oled-display-with-arduino/
or: https://lastminuteengineers.com/oled-display-esp32-tutorial/
// settings
#include <ESP32Servo.h>
#include <Stepper.h>
//for servo
const int servoPin = 18;
Servo servo;
//for stepper
const int stepsPerRevolution = 10;
Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 26, 27, 14, 12);
int pos;
int speed = 30;
TaskHandle_t Task1;
const String stitle = "simple_menu"; // script title
const String sversion = "25Dec2022"; // script version
bool serialDebug = 1; // enable debug info on serial port
int OLEDDisplayTimeout = 10; // oled menu display timeout (seconds)
int itemTrigger = 1; // rotary encoder - counts per click
#define OLED_ADDR 0x3C // OLED i2c address
#if defined(ESP8266)
// esp8266
const String boardType="ESP8266";
#define I2C_SDA D2 // i2c pins
#define I2C_SCL D1
#define encoder0PinA D5
#define encoder0PinB D6
#define encoder0Press D7 // button - Note: on esp8266 you can change this from d7 to d3 leaving d7 and d8 free to use
#elif defined(ESP32)
// esp32
const String boardType="ESP32";
#define I2C_SDA 21 // i2c pins
#define I2C_SCL 22
#define encoder0PinA 25
#define encoder0PinB 33
#define encoder0Press 32 // button
#elif defined (__AVR_ATmega328P__)
// Arduino Uno
const String boardType="Uno";
#define I2C_SDA A4 // i2c pins
#define I2C_SCL A5
#define encoder0PinA 2
#define encoder0PinB 3
#define encoder0Press 4 // button
#error Unsupported board - must be esp32, esp8266 or Arduino Uno
// Define pin connections & motor's steps per revolution
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//#include <MemoryFree.h> // used to display free memory on Arduino (useful as it can be very limited)
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
// rotary encoder
volatile int16_t encoder0Pos = 0; // current value selected with rotary encoder (updated in interrupt routine)
volatile bool encoderPrevA = 0; // used to debounced rotary encoder
volatile bool encoderPrevB = 0; // used to debounced rotary encoder
bool reButtonState = 0; // current debounced state of the button
uint32_t reButtonTimer = millis(); // time button state last changed
int reButtonMinTime = 500; // minimum milliseconds between allowed button status changes
// oled menu
const byte menuMax = 5; // max number of menu items
const byte lineSpace1 = 9; // line spacing (6 lines)
const byte lineSpace2 = 16; // line spacing (4 lines)
String menuOption[menuMax]; // options displayed in menu
byte menuCount = 0; // which menu item is curently highlighted
String menuTitle = ""; // current menu ID number (blank = none)
byte menuItemClicked = 100; // menu item has been clicked flag (100=none)
uint32_t lastREActivity = 0; // time last activity was seen on rotary encoder
// oled SSD1306 display connected to I2C (SDA, SCL pins)
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width, in pixels
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64 // OLED display height, in pixels
#define OLED_RESET -1 // Reset pin # (or -1 if sharing Arduino reset pin)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// customise the menus below
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Useful commands:
// void reWaitKeypress(20000); = wait for the button to be pressed on the rotary encoder (timeout in 20 seconds if not)
// chooseFromList(8, "TestList", q); = choose from the list of 8 items in a string array 'q'
// enterValue("Testval", 15, 0, 30); = enter a value between 0 and 30 (with a starting value of 15)
// Available Menus
// main menu
void Main_Menu() {
menuTitle = "Main Menu"; // set the menu title
setMenu(0,""); // clear all menu items
setMenu(0,"Stepper"); // choose from a list
setMenu(1,"Servo"); // enter a value
//setMenu(2,"MENU_2"); // display a message
//setMenu(3,"MENU_3"); // change menu
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// menu action procedures
// check if menu item has been selected with: if (menuTitle == "<menu name>" && menuItemClicked==<item number 1-4>)
void menuItemActions() {
if (menuItemClicked == 100) return; // if no menu item has been clicked exit function
// --------------------- Main Menu Actions ------------------
if (menuTitle == "Main Menu" && menuItemClicked==0) {
menuItemClicked=100; // flag that the button press has been actioned (the menu stops and waits until this)
speed = enterValue("speed",speed,5,30,1000);
Serial.println("Menu: Value set = " + String(speed));
if (menuTitle == "Main Menu" && menuItemClicked==1) {
pos=enterValue("Pos", pos, 1, 0, 180); // enter a value (title, start value, step size, low limit, high limit)
Serial.println("Menu: Value set = " + String(pos));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// customise the menus above
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void setup() {
Serial.println("\n\n\nOled display sketch");
// configure gpio pins
pinMode(encoder0Press, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(encoder0PinA, INPUT);
pinMode(encoder0PinB, INPUT);
// initialise the oled display
Wire.begin(I2C_SDA,I2C_SCL); // if you get an error it may be the board you are using does not allow defining the pins in which case try: Wire.begin();
if(!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, OLED_ADDR)) {
Serial.println(("\nError initialising the oled display"));
// Display splash screen on OLED
display.setCursor(0, 0);
display.setCursor(0, lineSpace1 * 2);
display.setCursor(0, lineSpace1 * 4);
display.setCursor(0, lineSpace1 * 5);
// Interrupt for reading the rotary encoder position
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(encoder0PinA), doEncoder, CHANGE);
Main_Menu(); // start the menu displaying - see menuItemActions() to alter the menus
servo.attach(servoPin, 500, 2400);
stepper, /* Task function. */
"Task1", /* name of task. */
10000, /* Stack size of task */
NULL, /* parameter of the task */
1, /* priority of the task */
&Task1, /* Task handle to keep track of created task */
0); /* pin task to core 0 */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void loop() {
// if a oled menu is active service it
if (menuTitle != "") { // if a menu is active
menuCheck(); // check if encoder selection button is pressed
menuItemSelection(); // check for change in menu item highlighted
staticMenu(); // display the menu
menuItemActions(); // act if a menu item has been clicked
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------- menu procedures -------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// set menu item
// pass: new menu items number, name (blank iname clears all entries)
void setMenu(byte inum, String iname) {
if (inum >= menuMax) return; // invalid number
if (iname == "") { // clear all menu items
for (int i=0; i < menuMax; i++) menuOption[i] = "";
menuCount = 0; // move highlight to top menu item
} else {
menuOption[inum] = iname;
menuItemClicked = 100; // set item selected flag as none
// --------------------------------------
// confirm that a requested action is not a mistake
// returns 1 if confirmed
bool confirmActionRequired() {
display.setCursor(0, lineSpace2 * 0);
display.setCursor(0, lineSpace2 * 1);
display.print("BUTTON TO");
display.setCursor(0, lineSpace2 * 2);
exitMenu(); // close menu
if (digitalRead(encoder0Press) == LOW) return 1; // if button still pressed
return 0;
// --------------------------------------
// display menu on oled
void staticMenu() {
// title
display.setCursor(lineSpace1, 0);
display.drawLine(0, lineSpace1, display.width(), lineSpace1, WHITE);
// menu options
int i=0;
while (i < menuMax && menuOption[i] != "") { // if menu item is not blank display it
if (i == menuItemClicked) display.setTextColor(BLACK,WHITE); // if this item has been clicked
else display.setTextColor(WHITE,BLACK);
display.setCursor(10, 18 + (i*lineSpace1));
// highlighted item if none yet clicked
if (menuItemClicked == 100) {
display.setCursor(2, 18 + (menuCount * lineSpace1));
display.display(); // update display
// --------------------------------------
// rotary encoder button
// returns 1 if the button status has changed since last time
bool menuCheck() {
if (digitalRead(encoder0Press) == reButtonState) return 0; // no change
if (digitalRead(encoder0Press) == reButtonState) return 0; // debounce
if (millis() - reButtonTimer < reButtonMinTime) return 0; // if too soon since last change
// button status has changed
reButtonState = !reButtonState;
reButtonTimer = millis(); // update timer
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("button state has changed");
// oled menu action on button press
if (reButtonState==LOW) { // if button is now pressed
lastREActivity = millis(); // log time last activity seen (don't count button release as activity)
if (menuItemClicked != 100 || menuTitle == "") return 1; // menu item already selected or there is no live menu
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("menu '" + menuTitle + "' item " + String(menuCount) + " selected");
menuItemClicked = menuCount; // set item selected flag
return 1;
// wait for key press or turn on rotary encoder
// pass timeout in ms
void reWaitKeypress(int timeout) {
uint32_t tTimer = millis(); // log time
// wait for button to be released
while ( (digitalRead(encoder0Press) == LOW) && (millis() - tTimer < timeout) ) { // wait for button release
yield(); // service any web page requests
// clear rotary encoder position counter
encoder0Pos = 0;
// wait for button to be pressed or encoder to be turned
while ( (digitalRead(encoder0Press) == HIGH) && (encoder0Pos == 0) && (millis() - tTimer < timeout) ) {
yield(); // service any web page requests
exitMenu(); // close menu
// --------------------------------------
// handle menu item selection
void menuItemSelection() {
if (encoder0Pos >= itemTrigger) {
encoder0Pos = 0;
lastREActivity = millis(); // log time last activity seen
if (menuCount+1 < menuMax) menuCount++; // if not past max menu items move
if (menuOption[menuCount] == "") menuCount--; // if menu item is blank move back
if (encoder0Pos <= -itemTrigger) {
encoder0Pos = 0;
lastREActivity = millis(); // log time last activity seen
if (menuCount > 0) menuCount--;
// ---------------------------------------
// enter a value using the rotary encoder
// pass Value title, starting value, step size, low limit , high limit
// returns the chosen value
int enterValue(String title, int start, int stepSize, int low, int high) {
uint32_t tTimer = millis(); // log time of start of function
// display title
if (title.length() > 8) display.setTextSize(1); // if title is longer than 8 chars make text smaller
else display.setTextSize(2);
display.setCursor(0, 0);
display.display(); // update display
int tvalue = start;
while ( (digitalRead(encoder0Press) == LOW) && (millis() - tTimer < (OLEDDisplayTimeout * 1000)) ) delay(5); // wait for button release
tTimer = millis();
while ( (digitalRead(encoder0Press) == HIGH) && (millis() - tTimer < (OLEDDisplayTimeout * 1000)) ) { // while button is not pressed and still within time limit
if (encoder0Pos >= itemTrigger) { // encoder0Pos is updated via the interrupt procedure
tvalue -= stepSize;
noInterrupts(); // stop interrupt changing the value whilst it is changed here
encoder0Pos -= itemTrigger;
tTimer = millis();
else if (encoder0Pos <= -itemTrigger) {
tvalue += stepSize;
encoder0Pos += itemTrigger;
tTimer = millis();
// value limits
if (tvalue > high) tvalue=high;
if (tvalue < low) tvalue=low;
const int textPos = 27; // height of number on display
display.fillRect(0, textPos, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT - textPos, BLACK); // clear bottom half of display (128x64)
display.setCursor(0, textPos);
// bar graph at bottom of display
int tmag=map(tvalue, low, high, 0 ,SCREEN_WIDTH);
display.fillRect(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10, tmag, 10, WHITE);
display.display(); // update display
yield(); // service any web page requests
exitMenu(); // close menu
return tvalue;
// --------------------------------------
// choose from list using rotary encoder
// pass the number of items in list (max 8), list title, list of options in a string array
int chooseFromList(byte noOfElements, String listTitle, String list[]) {
const byte noList = 10; // max number of items to list
uint32_t tTimer = millis(); // log time of start of function
int highlightedItem = 0; // which item in list is highlighted
int xpos, ypos;
// display title
display.setCursor(10, 0);
display.drawLine(0, lineSpace1, display.width(), lineSpace1, WHITE);
// scroll through list
while ( (digitalRead(encoder0Press) == LOW) && (millis() - tTimer < (OLEDDisplayTimeout * 1000)) ) delay(5); // wait for button release
tTimer = millis();
while ( (digitalRead(encoder0Press) == HIGH) && (millis() - tTimer < (OLEDDisplayTimeout * 1000)) ) { // while button is not pressed and still within time limit
if (encoder0Pos >= itemTrigger) { // encoder0Pos is updated via the interrupt procedure
encoder0Pos = 0;
tTimer = millis();
if (encoder0Pos <= -itemTrigger) {
encoder0Pos = 0;
tTimer = millis();
// value limits
if (highlightedItem > noOfElements - 1) highlightedItem = noOfElements - 1;
if (highlightedItem < 0) highlightedItem = 0;
// display the list
for (int i=0; i < noOfElements; i++) {
if (i < (noList/2)) {
xpos = 0;
ypos = lineSpace1 * (i+1) + 7;
} else {
xpos = display.width() / 2;
ypos = lineSpace1 * (i-((noList/2)-1)) + 7;
display.setCursor(xpos, ypos);
if (i == highlightedItem) display.setTextColor(BLACK,WHITE);
else display.setTextColor(WHITE,BLACK);
display.display(); // update display
yield(); // service any web page requests
// if it timed out set selection to cancel (i.e. item 0)
if (millis() - tTimer >= (OLEDDisplayTimeout * 1000)) highlightedItem=0;
// // wait for button to be released (up to 1 second)
// tTimer = millis(); // log time
// while ( (digitalRead(encoder0Press) == LOW) && (millis() - tTimer < 1000) ) {
// yield(); // service any web page requests
// delay(20);
// }
exitMenu(); // close menu
return highlightedItem;
// --------------------------------------
// close the menus and return to sleep mode
void exitMenu() {
reButtonState = digitalRead(encoder0Press); // update current button status
lastREActivity = 0; // clear time of last rotary encoder usage
encoder0Pos = 0; // clear rotary encoder position change counter
// --------------------------------------
// rotary encoder interrupt routine to update position counter when turned
// interrupt info: https://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?id=11488
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega328P__)
void doEncoder() {
#elif defined ESP32
IRAM_ATTR void doEncoder() {
#else // esp8266
ICACHE_RAM_ATTR void doEncoder() {
bool pinA = digitalRead(encoder0PinA);
bool pinB = digitalRead(encoder0PinB);
if ( (encoderPrevA == pinA && encoderPrevB == pinB) ) return; // no change since last time (i.e. reject bounce)
// same direction (alternating between 0,1 and 1,0 in one direction or 1,1 and 0,0 in the other direction)
if (encoderPrevA == 1 && encoderPrevB == 0 && pinA == 0 && pinB == 1) encoder0Pos -= 1;
else if (encoderPrevA == 0 && encoderPrevB == 1 && pinA == 1 && pinB == 0) encoder0Pos -= 1;
else if (encoderPrevA == 0 && encoderPrevB == 0 && pinA == 1 && pinB == 1) encoder0Pos += 1;
else if (encoderPrevA == 1 && encoderPrevB == 1 && pinA == 0 && pinB == 0) encoder0Pos += 1;
// change of direction
else if (encoderPrevA == 1 && encoderPrevB == 0 && pinA == 0 && pinB == 0) encoder0Pos += 1;
else if (encoderPrevA == 0 && encoderPrevB == 1 && pinA == 1 && pinB == 1) encoder0Pos += 1;
else if (encoderPrevA == 0 && encoderPrevB == 0 && pinA == 1 && pinB == 0) encoder0Pos -= 1;
else if (encoderPrevA == 1 && encoderPrevB == 1 && pinA == 0 && pinB == 1) encoder0Pos -= 1;
else if (serialDebug) Serial.println("Error: invalid rotary encoder pin state - prev=" + String(encoderPrevA) + ","
+ String(encoderPrevB) + " new=" + String(pinA) + "," + String(pinB));
// update previous readings
encoderPrevA = pinA;
encoderPrevB = pinB;
void stepper(void * pvParameters){
// ---------------------------------------------- end ----------------------------------------------