#include <Arduino.h>
#include "SPI.h"
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_ILI9341.h>

#define ILI9341_VSCRDEF 0x33
#define ILI9341_VSCRSADD 0x37

int xp = 0;
int yp = 0;
uint16_t bg = ILI9341_BLACK;
uint16_t fg = ILI9341_WHITE;
int screenWd = 240;
int screenHt = 320;
int wrap = 0;
int bold = 0;
int sx = 1;
int sy = 1;
int horizontal = -1;
int scrollMode = 1;

#define WRAP_PIN 5
#define HORIZ_PIN 21

#define TFT_DC 2
#define TFT_CS 15
Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC);

// Uncomment below the font you find the most readable for you
// 7x8 bold - perfect for small term font
#include "font_b7x8.h"
const uint16_t *fontRects = font_b7x8_Rects;
const uint16_t *fontOffs = font_b7x8_CharOffs;
int charWd = 7;
int charHt = 10; // real 8
int charYoffs = 1;

// 7x8 - perfect for small terminal font
// #include "font_7x8.h"
// const uint16_t *fontRects = font_7x8_Rects;
// const uint16_t *fontOffs = font_7x8_CharOffs;
// int charWd = 7;
// int charHt = 10; // real 8
// int charYoffs = 1;

// 6x8
// #include "font_6x8.h"
// const uint16_t *fontRects = font_6x8_Rects;
// const uint16_t *fontOffs = font_6x8_CharOffs;
// int charWd = 6;
// int charHt = 9; // real 8
// int charYoffs = 1;

// nice 8x16 vga terminal font
// #include "font_term_8x16.h"
// const uint16_t *fontRects = wlcd_font_term_8x16_0_127_Rects;
// const uint16_t *fontOffs = wlcd_font_term_8x16_0_127_CharOffs;
// int charWd = 8;
// int charHt = 16;
// int charYoffs = 0;

// nice big for terminal
// #include "font_fxs_8x15.h"
// const uint16_t *fontRects = wlcd_font_fxs_8x15_16_127_Rects;
// const uint16_t *fontOffs = wlcd_font_fxs_8x15_16_127_CharOffs;
// int charWd = 8;
// int charHt = 15; // real 15
// int charYoffs = 0;

// my nice 10x16 term
// #include "font_term_10x16.h"
// const uint16_t *fontRects = font_term_10x16_Rects;
// const uint16_t *fontOffs = font_term_10x16_CharOffs;
// int charWd = 10;
// int charHt = 16;
// int charYoffs = 0;

void drawChar(int16_t x, int16_t y, unsigned char c,
              uint16_t color, uint16_t bg, uint8_t sx, uint8_t sy)
  if ((x >= screenWd) ||             // Clip right
      (y >= screenHt) ||             // Clip bottom
      ((x + charWd * sx - 1) < 0) || // Clip left
      ((y + charHt * sy - 1) < 0))   // Clip top
  if (c > 127)
  uint16_t recIdx = fontOffs[c];
  uint16_t recNum = fontOffs[c + 1] - recIdx;
  if (bg && bg != color)
    tft.fillRect(x, y, charWd * sx, charHt * sy, bg);
  if (charWd <= 16 && charHt <= 16)
    for (int i = 0; i < recNum; i++)
      int v = fontRects[i + recIdx];
      int xf = v & 0xf;
      int yf = charYoffs + ((v & 0xf0) >> 4);
      int wf = 1 + ((v & 0xf00) >> 8);
      int hf = 1 + ((v & 0xf000) >> 12);
      tft.fillRect(x + xf * sx, y + yf * sy, bold + wf * sx, hf * sy, color);
    for (int i = 0; i < recNum; i++)
      uint8_t *rects = (uint8_t *)fontRects;
      int idx = (i + recIdx) * 3;
      int xf = rects[idx + 0] & 0x3f;
      int yf = rects[idx + 1] & 0x3f;
      int wf = 1 + rects[idx + 2] & 0x3f;
      int hf = 1 + (((rects[idx + 0] & 0xc0) >> 6) | ((rects[idx + 1] & 0xc0) >> 4) | ((rects[idx + 2] & 0xc0) >> 2));
      tft.fillRect(x + xf * sx, y + yf * sy, bold + wf * sx, hf * sy, color);

void scroll()
  xp = 0;
  yp += charHt * sy;
  if (yp + charHt > screenHt)
    yp = 0;
  tft.fillRect(0, yp, screenWd, charHt * sy, ILI9341_BLACK);
  if (scrollMode)
    tft.scrollTo(320 - yp - charHt * sy);

int escMode = 0;
int nVals = 0;
int vals[10] = {0};

void printChar(char c)
  if (c == 0x1b)
    escMode = 1;
  if (escMode == 1)
    if (c == '[')
      escMode = 2;
      nVals = 0;
      escMode = 0;
  if (escMode == 2)
    if (isdigit(c))
      vals[nVals] = vals[nVals] * 10 + (c - '0');
    else if (c == ';')
    else if (c == 'm')
      escMode = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < nVals; i++)
        int v = vals[i];
        static const uint16_t colors[] = {
            0x0000, // 0-black
            0xf800, // 1-red
            0x0780, // 2-green
            0xfe00, // 3-yellow
            0x001f, // 4-blue
            0xf81f, // 5-magenta
            0x07ff, // 6-cyan
            0xffff  // 7-white
        if (v == 0)
        { // all attributes off
          if (nVals == 1)
            fg = ILI9341_WHITE;
            bg = ILI9341_BLACK;
          bold = 0;
        else if (v == 1)
        { // all attributes off
          bold = 1;
        else if (v >= 30 && v < 38)
        { // fg colors
          fg = colors[v - 30];
        else if (v >= 40 && v < 48)
          bg = colors[v - 40];
      vals[0] = vals[1] = vals[2] = vals[3] = 0;
      nVals = 0;
      escMode = 0;
      vals[0] = vals[1] = vals[2] = vals[3] = 0;
      nVals = 0;
  if (c == 10)
  if (c == 13)
    xp = 0;
  if (c == 8)
    if (xp > 0)
      xp -= charWd * sx;
    tft.fillRect(xp, yp, charWd * sx, charHt * sy, ILI9341_BLACK);
  if (xp < screenWd)
    drawChar(xp, yp, c, fg, bg, sx, sy);
  xp += charWd * sx;
  if (xp >= screenWd && wrap)

void printString(char *str)
  while (*str)

void checkButtons()
  wrap = digitalRead(WRAP_PIN) ? 0 : 1;
  int orient = digitalRead(HORIZ_PIN) ? 0 : 1;
  if (orient != horizontal)
    horizontal = orient;
    scrollMode = horizontal ? 0 : 1;
    tft.setRotation(horizontal ? 1 : 2);
    screenWd = tft.width();
    screenHt = tft.height();

void setup()
  tft.setScrollMargins(0, 0);

  tft.setCursor(0, 0);
  sx = 1;
  sy = 2;
  printString("\e[0;44m *** Terminal Init *** \e[0m\n");
  sy = 1;

void loop(void)
  // while (Serial.available())
    // printChar(Serial.read());
  printString("hello world!\n");